🔪Chapter 4🔪

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Aera's pov

" WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME!?" Yeon-ji yelled pushing Dong-eun lightly.

" There are crowds of kids outside. Be the bigger person. She's still a kid" Jae-jun said holding Yeon-ji back.

" You guys haven't changed. Neither has your friendship. I'm jealous" Dong-eun said looking at all of us.

" In high school you were like a black and white picture. Your more colorful now"  Jae-jun said looking at her from top to bottom.

" Think so? I've got to get going, okay?" She said.

" By the way Jae-jun, How would you even know what's 'colorful' or not" She said making all our smiles drop.

Fucking hell! She took that too personal.

We watched her walk out with all confidence.

I held Jae-jun' s hand stopping him from attacking her.

" Jae it's okay. Forget about it" I whispered and kissed his cheek.

Time skip~

Jae-jun had been zoning out all the time since we got back

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Jae-jun had been zoning out all the time since we got back.

" Babe you okay?" I asked entering the bathroom.

He was sitting at the edge of the bathtub, with a yellow bathrobe pouring two glasses of wine.

" Hm...I just...need some time alone. Okay?" He said.

" Okay...I'll be in the bedroom if you need me" I said kissing him on his lips and leaving the bathroom.

His eyes had always been a sensitive topic for him.

His parents hated him because of his eyes, they were never there for his hard times, always on business trips earning money and hiding him from the world.

For them he was an embarrassment, when he turned 16 his parents had disowned him.

I remember that night very well.

Flash back~

I was at my second home, because my room was getting renovated.

I was alone, the maids had a holiday today so I guess I have to order tonight...

The door bell rang making my attention go towards the peep hole.

I wore my robe and peeped to see Jae-jun standing outside with a suitcase drenched in rain water.

I quickly opened the door and pulled him in.

" Jae-jun! What are you doing here!?" I asked wrapping him in a towel.

" They disowned me! My parents disowned me!" He broke down.

" But your their only child. How can they disown you! Then who will inherit the things once they die!?" I asked turning on all the heaters.

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