chapter three

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Tonight was the 'Kiss On The Lips' party. Ronnie was now being persuaded by Chuck Bass to go to the party. "Don't you think your mom should go to the party, little one?" Chuck asked as he held Talulah in his arms. Chuck met Talulah this morning and has been obsessed with her ever since. Ronnie was beginning to think he loved her more than she did. "No, Chuck. No one wants me there." Ronnie said.

"I want you there. Come as my date, please." Chuck begged, "You're date? Did Chuck Bass just ask someone to be his date to a party?" Ronnie teased her best friend, "It could be more than a date if you want it to be." Chuck smirked, "Gross, Chuck. Fine, i'll come. But, you promise to stick by my side the entire night?" Ronnie gave in, Chuck grinned. "That's the spirit, princess. I'll pick you up at 8." Chuck said, Ronnie rolled her eyes. "I'll meet you there at 8." Ronnie said.

"Fine have it your way." Chuck said, placed the 5-month old baby back on the bed, "I'll see you later." Chuck said, left Ronnie's bedroom. "What am I doing, my baby girl?" Ronnie said, as she kissed Talulah's cheek, who just giggled at her. Ronnie began looking through her wardrobe for a dress. Ronnie found a beautiful dark purple silk dress, she curled her hair, did her makeup. She made more of an effort tonight than she normally would, she wanted to feel good in herself.


Ronnie arrived at the Kiss on The Lips party, she spotted Chuck Bass leaving a Limousine with Blair and Nate and a few of Blair's friends. Her eyes drifted to Nate, who looked her up and down very obviously. Ronnie gave him a small smile, to which he completely ignored and walked in with Blair. "Ronnie, you looked outstanding." Chuck said, placed his arm around Ronnie's waist protectively as they walked inside the party. The room was full of guests.

"Who's the newbie?" Chuck asked Ronnie, "That's Jenny. She's a freshman, Chuck." Ronnie reminded him, "I love freshman—" Chuck started, Ronnie cut him off. "No. Chuck. Just no." Ronnie said, "I'll see you in a bit." Chuck gave Ronnie a light kiss on her forehead before walking off to Jenny Humphrey. Ronnie rolled her eyes, "So much for sticking by me." Ronnie said, went and sat down. "Ronnie!" She heard Blair, "Hi, Blair. You look amazing." Ronnie smiled, "I know, and you do." Blair said, Ronnie laughed at her response.

Ronnie found Serena, "Serena, what are you doing here? I thought you weren't coming." Ronnie said, "I wasn't, but Chuck. He's doing something with Jenny. We need to find him." Serena said, "Rooftop." Ronnie said, they found Dan Humphrey and headed up to the rooftop. "Ronnie Gordon." Ronnie introduced herself, "Dan. Dan Humphrey." The brunette boy infront of her said, Ronnie smiled as they reached the rooftop.

"Get off, stop!" Jenny yelled, as they saw Chuck forcing himself onto Jenny. "Chuck, what the hell are you doing!" Ronnie yelled, as pulled Chuck back. Ronnie stared in disbelief as she watched Dan punch Chuck, Serena began yelling at him. Serena, Dan and Jenny left. Ronnie slowly walked over to Chuck. "What were you thinking?" Ronnie asked, as she crossed her arms as she stopped in front of her best friend.

"It's a party, Ron." Chuck said, "Doesn't mean you can force yourself onto a 15 year old girl, Chuck." Ronnie spoke louder this time, not too loud. "Come on, let's just forget about it." Ronnie said, as they headed back down the stairs to the party. Ronnie stood with Blair, Chuck as they watched the couple and Jenny get into a cab.
"She better not show her face again." Blair spoke up, "I'm actually hoping she will." Chuck said, Ronnie turned the corner and came face with Nate Archibald.

"Ronnie." Nate said, a shocked look on his face. "Nate." Ronnie sighed, looking at him. "What happened to you? You've changed." Nate said, Ronnie rolled her eyes. "Whatever, Nate." Ronnie said, and went to walk away, but Nate grabbed her arm. "I'm glad your back, Ron. I missed you. But, I don't like this version of you." Nate said, "If you went through what I did, you'd understand why." Ronnie said, "Then tell me. Let me help you." Nate said, "I can't, Nate. I really can't." Ronnie said, "Fine then." Nate said, let her go. Ronnie walked off. What a great night for Ronnie.

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