{20} Yes, Yes To It All

Start from the beginning

“Bible!” I hiss, mindful that Nodt is upstairs, though whether he could hear us is doubtful. I steady myself by clasping his lower back, then on a brave impulse, I swat his behind. He swats me right back.

“Ow!” I yelp.

“Shower time,” He declares triumphantly.

“Put me down!” I try and fail to sound disapproving. My struggle is futile—his arm is firmly clamped over my thighs—and for some reason I cannot stop giggling.

“Fond of these shoes?” He asks amused as he opens the door to his bathroom.

“I prefer them to be touching the floor.” I attempt to snarl at him, but it’s not very effective as I can’t keep the laughter out of my voice.

“Your wish is my command.” Without putting me down, he slips off both of my shoes and lets them clatter to the tile floor. Pausing by the vanity, he empties his pockets—dead phone, keys, wallet, the keychain. I can only imagine what I look like in the mirror from this angle. When he’s finished, he marches directly into the shower.

“Bible!” I scold loudly—his intent is now clear.

He switches the water on at max. Jeez! Arctic water spurts over my backside, and I squeal—then stop, mindful once more that Nodt is above us. It’s cold and I’m fully clothed. The chilling water soaks into my top, my boxers, and my pants. I’m drenched and I cannot stop giggling.

“No!” I squeal. “Put me down!” I swat him again, harder this time, and Bible releases me, letting me slide down his now soaked body. His white shirt is stuck to his chest and his suit pants are sodden. I am soaked, too, flushed, giddy and breathless, and he’s grinning at me, looking so...so unbelievably hot.

He sobers, his eyes shining, and cups my face again, drawing my lips to his. His kiss is gentle, cherishing, and totally distracting. I no longer care that I am fully clothed and soaking wet in Bible’s shower. It’s just the two of us beneath the cascading water. He’s back, he’s safe, he’s mine.

My hands move involuntarily to his shirt as it clings to every line and sinew of his chest. I yank the shirt hem out of his pants, and he groans against my mouth, but his lips do not leave mine. As I unbutton his shirt, he reaches for my zipper, slowly sliding the clasp down my pants. His lips become more insistent, more provocative, his tongue invading my mouth—and my body explodes with desire. I tug his shirt hard, ripping it open. The buttons fly everywhere, ricocheting off the tiles and disappearing onto the shower floor. As I strip the wet material off his shoulders and down his arms, I press him into the wall, hampering his attempts to undress me.

“Cufflinks,” He murmurs, holding up his wrists where his shirt hangs sodden and limp.

With scrambling fingers, I release first one and then the other cuff, letting his gold cufflinks fall carelessly to the tiled floor and his shirt follows. His eyes search mine through the cascading water, his gaze burning, carnal, heated like the water. I reach for the waistband of his pants, but he shakes his head and grabs my shoulders, spinning me round so I am facing away from him. He finishes the long journey south with my zipper, smoothes my wet hair away from my face, and runs his tongue up my neck to my hairline and back again, kissing and sucking as he goes.

I moan and slowly he peels my pants off followed by taking my top off my shoulders and down past my chest, kissing my neck beneath my ear.

“So beautiful,” He whispers.

My arms are trapped by my top, which hang unfastened below my nipples, my arms still in the sleeves but my hands are free. I roll my head, giving Bible better access to my neck and push my nipples into his hands. I reach round behind me and welcome his sharp intake of breath as my inquisitive fingers make contact with his erection. He pushes his groin into my welcoming hands.

Carpe Diem (Sumettikul's Universe Two)Where stories live. Discover now