Part I

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Lily's POV

A Muffled voice filled my mind,as lights started coming into my vision."Lily,Lily wake up.Lils."
My eyes shot open to see my brother,Fry. "Lil,please you need to start waking up earlier we can't be late to work again this week."
"I know,I'm sorry."I said,looking into my older brothers eyes,looking for forgiveness.
"Yeah,yeah.I know.Just hurry up,they're all coming to work when i'm on my break today maybe you'll finally get to talk to them,yeah?"He said giggling. "Oh shush,just because you have friends."I said,rolling my eyes jokingly at him,and got up.He took that as a signal to leave the room,laughing.
Once he had left,I woke myself up properly,and went into the bathroom to brush my teeth,and get my uniform on."Lilsss,Come on I'm leaving now whether you get down here or not!"I heard Fry shout from downstairs."Yeah,Coming!"I replied,sprinting down the stairs.He rolled his eyes at me,and we walked out.
We walked into our work,scanning the area,to see no customers yet."Come on guys,you're late again!"Our boss said.Fry looked at me with his eyebrows raised.I just rolled my eyes back at him,and we got to work.

It's now a few hours later,Me and Fry are about to go on our break when the bell at the door rings signifying the fact that somebody had come in.I'm on waiting today,so I walk over to where they had sat,"Hi,My name is Lily and i'll be your waitress today.What can I get you?"I said,smiling not looking up from my notepad."We'll all have the usual please."A sarcastic voice said.I looked up.oh. It's my brothers friends."Oh sorry,hey guys."I said,laughing. "Hey Lily."A chorus of voices said.Just as they all started joking around,loud footsteps came towards the table.
"HEY GUYSSS DONT FORGET ME!"I could hear Fry shout from behind me.They all started giggling,and a few of them got up,to hug him.I look up to see Thomas,and another girl I didn't know,still seated.I smiled at her,and she smiled back."Hi,I'm Brenda,you must be Fry's sister?Ive heard a lot about you"She said,showing her perfect straight teeth."Yeah,Lily.Nice to meet you."I said returning the same energy.I looked to see who else was here today.
'Thomas,Brenda,Newt,Minho,three other girls I didn't know,a boy with weird eyebrows i also didn't know and then aris,winston,alby and chuck.'

I smiled to them all,but walked off to the back,so I could put all their orders in,along with the people I hadn't known yets orders.
I walked back out from the back to go to the till to see Thomas there."get me a bagel,would ya?"He said. "Thomas,I know you really don't like me but come on,could atleast use your manners."I said.
"Nope.Thanks."He said as I gave it him,and he walked off.
Thomas was one of Fry's only friends I didn't get along with.I've never known why,but he's always not been a fan of me.
Ignoring him,Fry walks over to me."Ignore him,but hey y'know that trip we're all going on?"He asked."Yeah,what about it?"I said."Turns out,because Chuck is extremely young his mum won't let him go,sooooo,a spot just opened up and everyone said i should ask to see if you wanna go?"He asked. "oh uh,yeah,of course!"
I said."Great!Come over with me,we're all deciding where we wanna go.One thing though.."He started."Yeah,what is it?"I asked."So,you know how close Chuck and Thomas are?"He said."Yes,what's your point?"I asked."They roomed together in the villa we rented."

I looked at him,my jaw to the floor.
You're joking?
I have to room with the one guy that hates me?

"Before you ask.Yes he knows and he isn't the most happy,but he said it'll be fine."He said again. "Great."I replied,sarcastically.

"Okay come on then."He smiled at me.
We walked over to the table,Fry sat next to one of the girls I didn't know."Oh yeah Lils,this here is Teresa."He said,pointing to the beautiful girl next to him.I smiled at her."Theyre Harriet and Sonya."He said pointing at the other two girls I didn't know."Sonya is Newts sister,if you couldn't tell."I waved and they smiled."And that's Gally."He said pointing to the one with the strange eyebrows.I smiled at him,pushing a laugh down.He just stared at me,but then smiled a bit.
I looked for a seat,noticing the only seat free was next to Thomas. Great. I sat down next to him,accidentally brushing our shoulders.He looked at me,and through my peripheral vision,I swear I saw him roll his eyes,going a bit flustered.Anyways,My attention was drawn back to the table,as Alby and Newt pulled out a hat from under the table. "So,everyone writes a place on a piece of paper,we put them in the hat,and everyone draws a piece of paper out the hat,until we leave one person to pull one last place out,that being our lovely holiday place."Alby said."The rooms will still be the same roomed with whoever we all agreed on,obviously unfortunately the two rivals over there will have to be roomed as Chuck can't go."Newt said,looking from me and Thomas,to Chuck who looked upset in the corner.
Alby and Newt started passing out little bits of ripped paper and pens out to everyone sat at the table,unfortunately everyone else who i knew that wasn't here today,wouldn't be going on the trip.As I was given my pen and paper,I smiled at Newt who passed me it.A smile being returned.Alby and Newt really are like the parents of the group.
I think of places to write,stopping on a place,I write down Paris. I then fold my paper,giving it to Alby,who said thanks.Once everyone was finished.The hat was then passed around,everyone picking a place out.
First was me,"Amsterdam gone." i said.
Then Fry,"Greece." he said,shouts echoed in disappointment.
Minho next,"Mallorca."
Then Newt,"Latvia."
Teresa,"North Korea?"
Alby then shouted,"Okay,who wrote this we all know we can't get in North Korea!"
Everyone's heads snapped to Fry,who was laughing like a maniac."I'm sorry guys!"
We all ignored him and carried on.
Sonya,"Any of the Disneylands."
Gally,"Anywhere in the states."
Everyone laughed,It was time for the last one,and I tried to contain my excitement,knowing it was mine.Then,Alby pulled it out from the hat,unfolding it."Paris is our summer trip this year." Everyone screamed,happily."YES WHO WROTE THIS?!"I heard Sonya scream happily.I raised my hand,smiling. Everyone then happily hugged me,aside from a few.

Who would've know this is how the best summer of my life started?

I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter of Entwined :)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2023 ⏰

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