(1) No Matter How Much It Hurts

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Song to listen to:    Sympathy For The Devil - The Rolling Stones


Bobby banged his blistered-covered fist against my creaky door, waking me up from another one of my nightmares. Cold sweat dripped down from my brow as I snarled at Bobby, wanting him to leave me in peace.

Forcing my eyelids to stay open, I pushed my thin, beer stained blanket aside. Scratching my freshly shaven chin, I grunted as I heaved myself off my small, rickety bed.

"Are you going to be sleeping all day or what!?"


I yelled back, snapping at Bobby's husky, Texas accent voice. Noticing that he already left, I rolled my eyes and ran around my messy room.

Grabbing dirty pieces of clothing off the floor, I quickly put on a T-shirt over yesterday's "outfit", and dashed out of my room before Bobby would yell again. Stopping abruptly in the middle of the messy, beer-canned filled, paper covered corridor, I stared at the small, cracked mirror, which hung on the aged wall.

Looking in my green eyes, I patted down my short, spiky blonde hair in an attempt to make it look  "neat". For a 21 year old, my facial features looked more mature and aged than I had wanted.

Hearing Bobby throw something in the kitchen, I hit the stray strands into place before racing down the unstable wooden staircase, which was also covered in junk. Dodging the tall piles of papers and books, I finally managed to reach the kitchen. If you could even call it a "kitchen"...

Bobby, an old, slightly plump man, who was average height, swore loudly as he tried to clean up the kitchen table. Sighing, I rushed over to him to help him clear some space. The counter, which was meant to be used for cooking meals, was covered with strange jars filled with suspicious looking liquids.

"Jeez, Bobby. I told you to clean up after you had made the spell soup!"


Bobby yelled unexpectantly, making me take a step back with my hands raised above my head. Rolling my eyes, again, I moved towards the other kitchen counter and I grabbed a couple of jars. They were easy to pick up and were surprisingly light despite being filled with strange organs or other weird specimens. 

Eventually, there were some seats to sit down on, and places for plates to go on the table. I yanked the oily fridge door open. Just like the state of the whole entire house, the fridge was filled to the brim with random things of the weird kind.


I reached in the fridge, holding the door open with one of my hands. Hearing a grunt as a response, I smirked a little before rummaging through all the mess and finally grabbed a box of eggs, that may or may not be expired...

Glancing over my shoulder, Bobby was already sitting down on a wooden chair with a beer bottle in his calloused hand. He had big, black bags underneath his brown eyes and his greying hair was covered with his dirty baseball cap. 

Shaking my head, I switched the gas on and rubbed the black grease off my fingers and onto my "clean" trousers. Cracking an egg open, I sighed in relief as the yoke was yellow instead of green.

"You want ham as well?"

Grabbing a spatula off the sticky counter, and giving it a quick rinse in the sink, I waited for Bobby to answer. Hearing nothing, I turned around with an eyebrow raised.

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