Rose in The Heart Pt. 1 (Hyunbin)

547 10 7

Requested: no

Genre: Angst

Extra: Based off of Ash Island's MV

790 words

Life has never been the same ever since Changbin died. Not a single smile has crossed Hyunjin's face since the incident, but... neither has a single tear. There was no emotion, no feelings. Hyunjin felt dead. He wasn't living, he was just not dying. How could he feel anything? He could he ever forgive himself?


"Jinnie... Do you ever think about running away? Like- Completely abandoning your old life and starting fresh?" Changbin asked, leaning his tired head against Hyunjin's shoulder as they watched the sun fall behind the towering mountains on the small hill where they sat.

"Ehh... Sometimes. Life kinda' sucks if you think about it," Hyunjin replied, scooping Changbin's hand into his own.

"Would you run away with me...?" Changbin questioned. He wasn't joking at this point. Changbin had gone through so much... too much... in the 17 years he'd lived. 

"Anything for you, my butterfly,"  Hyunjin responded, bringing Changbin's hand up to his lips and pecking the back of it with his soft lips. 

"Jinnie, I'm so tired... We should really just get lost and live together forever... alone. Where no one can hurt us,"  Changbin sulked, his shoulders slumping, and his voice cracking. Hyunjin turned his head to look down... The boy was crying. Weeping like his heart was broken, but trying to keep it quiet. 

"Baby, I'll do anything to make you happy. You wanna' run away? Let's fucking do it," Hyunjin stated confidently, slowly rubbing away Changbin's warm tears that scurried down his face. The two hugged into the sunset, their love like a shield that was invincible and would last forever. 

2 weeks later

Hyunjin pulled up to Changbin's house, and sent a text to the latter. In a matter of seconds, Changbin was out the door and in the front seat of Hyunjin's car. "Let's get outta' here," Changbin smiled, throwing his two bags in the backseat. Hyunjin drove off.

They drove peacefully down the quiet, cold roads of night, before suddenly, Hyunjin's phone began ringing. He flashed his head down to read the caller name. "Shit! My mom's calling!" Hyunjin cursed, unsure of how to handle the situation. 

"Should I answer-"


In happened in such a short amount of time. Their car collided with the car in front of them, sending them spinning across the icy roads and causing their car to smash against the walls of the bridge that rested above. Hyunjin felt the airbags go off, hitting him like someone had punched him right in the nose, then slowly deflating. Hyunjin pushed his way through the airbags and out of the car. He fell to the ground, but hurried to his feet. Looking around, there was no trace of Changbin. Finally, Hyunjin walked to the other side of the car, the side that had hit the wall, and he could see something lying under the opened and shattered car door, on the ground... It was Changbin.

"Binnie!" Hyunjin exclaimed, reaching down and pulling out Changbin's body which was now covered in dirt and snow and... blood. It was leaking out of the latter's head and had no intention to stop. Hyunjin became frantic, and fell beside his lover on the ground. He slowly lifted the boys head and began petting Changbin's soft hair, where the blood was escaping from. "Oh, my sweet boy... I-It's gonna' be alright, okay?" Hyunjin stuttered, Changbin's neck fell cold. The boy was unconscious or... dead.

"B-Binnie..? C'mon Bin, this isn't funny. C'mon! WAKE UP! PLEASE!" Hyunjin screamed, tears pouring from his sore eyes and his hands shaking uncontrollably. The boy was dead. Changbin was gone. 

"I'm so sorry, my butterfly... I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." Hyunjin repeated, rocking Changbin's head in his arms, not wanting to ever let go. He leaned down and pressed a soft kiss against Changbin's cold lips, and gave him one last hug. Soon, sirens could be heard and all of a sudden, police cars and one fire truck and ambulance showed up in an instance. As soon as they spotted Changbin and Hyunjin, they rushed towards them and took Changbin away in a flash. 

"Are you with him?" a police asked, Hyunjin feeling his heart literally fall apart from everything happening at the moment. As if everything was in slow motion. Changbin being rolled away by strangers on a stretcher, police sirens echoing through Hyunjin's ears, the car smashed into a wall, smoke arising from the other driver's car. It was all too much.

"Hello? Sir, are you with that boy?"  the police repeated, snapping her fingers in front of Hyunjin's face. He nodded his head repeatedly. "He's a passenger. Let him ride along." the police ordered two people from the ambulance. Hyunjin jumped into the vehicle, and felt he had no more tears to cry. He felt cold. 


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