Act III Finale - Reign Of Fear

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Every time he closed his eyes, he heard the screams.

Every time he closed his eyes, he saw Max.

He could still hear the final words of Max.

At the edges of his mind, he could feel an unnatural hunger. He knew it came from the Thrax. He knew the monster would pursue him eventually. He just didn't know when.

Then he heard the cry, and he knew the Thrax had followed him home.


The Thrax had arrived.

It slaughtered the slayers that approached.

With a demonic screech, it tore a hole open in the very fabric of reality, opening a rift to let countless abominations into the city.

Hell was unleashed upon the city in the clouds.

The behemoths ran rampant, and a worried father knew that there was only one desperate move left thay he could make.

Of course, other options were available, but all would result in even more death.

Arkan needed to activate the portal driver.

~~~~~~~~~~~Arkan View~~~~~~~~~~

Arkan ran through through the streets to where the portal driver was being held, shouting for people to follow him.

Arkan led the people of the city to the portal driver. Almost all who remained were with him.

But a head of green hair was missing from among the crowd.

~~~~~~~~~~~Izuku View~~~~~~~~~~

Izuku went through the streets as fast as he could, helping who he could.

He saw behemoth after behemoth thay looked fresh from the depths of his deeps inspired nightmares.

But he kept running, the passive light of Daybreak protecting him and those around him.

He could feel the Thrax searching for him. He could feel the beast get closer as it tore through every living thing it set its eyes upon.

"Everyone needs to go now! My father opened the portal driver, and I go through it now! I'll catch up!" Shouted Izuku

Izuku was the beloved son of Ramsgate.

Nobody wanted to leave him, but they needed to protect their families.

So Izuku marched on through the rubble that was his home.

~~~~~~~~~~Vayra View~~~~~~~~~~~

Vayra had already made it through the portal with Moyra, Wils, and everyone else, but she didn't see Izuku among them. She didn't see her son.

Until she heard people near the portal screaming and shouting, on the other side of the portal, Kat was leading the slayers in their stand to defend the portal until everyone got through.

When almost everyone had gotten through the portal, Izuku appeared, but ruins blocked his way. He couldn't reach the portal.

Then the king appeared.

Vayra screamed as Izuku turned to face the beast, and then she saw why.

A little girl was injured behind him.

Izuku made his stand here.

~~~~~~~~~~Citizen View~~~~~~~~~~

The citizens of Ramsgate couldn't do anything to help Izuku. They could only watch as he turned to face a nightmare alone.

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