The Wrath of the Sewer King

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Gabe let out a small, tired sigh as he allowed himself to sit and rest. He sat back on the couch, his eyes sliding shut as he propped his feet up on the coffee table. He opened his eyes just for his vision to go black once again. As it did, he felt a thin cloth layering pulled over his head. Gabe's hands shot up, struggling with the cloth as it was tightened gently around his neck. With a small, dull blow to the back of his head, Gabe was left unconscious.

A few hours later.

Gabe woke up to a very bright light flashing in his eyes. He tried to shift his hand up to cover his eyes, only to find his arms were tied behind him to the chair he was sat in. He squinted, looking away from the light. His head ached, the spot where he'd previously been struck throbbed slightly. Suddenly, he remembered what had happened. He realized he had no idea where he was.

"Hello?" Gabe called out shakily into the room. A voice from behind him began to speak.

"Well, well, well... look who finally decided to wake up!" Exclaimed the person who was hidden out of Gabe's sight.

"Where am I? Who are you?" Gabe asked, the fear in his voice rather obvious.

"Why, you don't recognize my voice? I thought we were much closer than that, Gabriel..." said the man, still concealed.

Then, he slowly revealed himself. As he stepped into the light, Gabe squinted at him. An immediate wave of recognition washed over him.

"William?!? Why am I here? What do want?" Gabe asked confusedly.

"Oh, you know what I want, Gabriel." The man—William—stated simply.

Gabe just stared at him, trying to register just what it was he could have wanted. When William realized Gabe truly did not know, he began to explain it to him.

"Don't you remember? May 19th, 2008? We had planned to go on that little date... to the cheese emporium. I got all ready, all dressed up and showered. Then, at the very last minute you decided to call me and cancel because you 'had plans with Ryland.' Don't you remember that, Gabriel?"

"I don't- what?" Gabe stuttered. He looked at William, even more confused now. "If this is about canceling the date, that was years ago! I mean, if you want we can just plan another..."

"You don't understand! Stupid, stupid man... It's about more than just the date!" William spat back, rage laced into his tone.

"What is it about then?!"

"Cheese! It's about the cheese!!" William hissed. Gabe laughed in annoyance.

"Cheese?!" Gabe said, almost in disbelief.

"Yes! The cheese!"

"All of this... over some fucking cheese?" Gabe tried to let his face fall into his hands before he remembered he couldn't—because they were tied to the back of the chair. He groaned annoyedly, throwing his head back, only for it to hit the head of the chair with a soft yet painful thump.

"'Just some cheese,' 'all this for some cheese,' 'just cheese,' 'just cheese,' 'just cheese!'" William mocked, his voice growing louder with each word. "It's not just cheese, Gabriel! It's so much more!"

"Like what?!" Gabe snapped, cutting him off.

"Like... like-"

The Wrath of the Sewer King (Gabilliam)Where stories live. Discover now