Our sweet baby girl is due in three weeks, and you still have no idea about her. The guilt keeps building up everyday. I wonder if you still think about me. I still think about you every single day of my life. Even though we're in complete different countries, I wish I could just drive to your house and come and see you. And you'd tell me everything will be okay like you always did after I came to you crying.

I can't do that anymore tho. Everything has changed. We're parents now. Or, i'm a parent now. I'm so sorry, Nate. I wish you were doing this with me. I hate being alone. I mean, i'm not alone. I even have friends now, but they're nothing like how my life was in New York. Sure, I enjoy Europe, but I must enjoy New York.

On a positive note, I think I finally chose a name for our daughter. Talulah May Archibald. Do you like her name? I couldn't choose between Luna and May for her middle name. I decided on May, since my grandmothers name was Amaya. And I wanted her to be named after my grandmother since she passed away a few years ago.

Talulah May Archibald. It has a nice tone to it right? I hope you like her name. I don't really have much more to say. I miss you, Nate. I really wish you could be here for Talulah's birth, but I know you won't be able to be here because well, you don't even know that your daughter exists. That sounds so selfish of me.

Goodnight, Nate.

Love, Ronnie.

Ronnie's heart melted, February 24th was the date she named Talulah. Talulah wasn't born on March 16th, she was actually a few days early, she was born on March 11th. Talulah was born 5 days earlier than her due date. Ronnie remembered all of these days perfectly well. Those were the days that Ronnie was missing New York, she couldn't wait to be back and now she doesn't understand at all why she wished she'd come back.

Europe was so drama free. Ever since she came back to New York she's been stuck in negative situations. Blair. Nate. Her parents. Gossip girl. She had only been back one day and she doesn't understand why everyone hates her so much. Yeah, she left for 13 months but that wasn't anyone's business apart from Ronnie's. Ronnie looked over at Talulah who was asleep in her arms, it was time for her to leave.

Ronnie kissed Talulah's head, before carefully placed her into her crib. "Goodnight, sweet girl." Ronnie whispered, before leaving Talulah's bedroom. 'I'm heading out now, but Talulah's asleep. I won't be long. Thank you. - R' Ronnie wrote on a piece of paper for Judith. She couldn't seem to find her around the house, Ronnie assumed she was cleaning somewhere. Ronnie walked out and got into a cab and headed to the Palace. Ronnie had to admit she was pretty nervous for this, it'll be the first time she spoke to Blair properly since she was back.


Ronnie was sat at the Palace with Serena and Blair, Ronnie had a bored look on her face. All three of them had to admit to it was pretty awkward. "So, how's your mom doing with the divorce and everything?" Serena asked, as she turned to Blair, trying to cut the awkwardness that was going on. "Great. So my dad left her for another man. She's lost 15 pounds, got an eye-lift. It's been good for her." Blair said, bluntly.

"I'm really sorry." Ronnie gave Blair a sympathetic smile, "Yeah." Serena added, "Yeah, I could tell since neither of you called or wrote the entire time it was happening." Blair spoke to the pair of them. "No, I know...I was just... boarding school, it's like.." Serena started, "Yeah, I'm sorry, Blair. I didn't contact anyone at all whilst I was in Europe. I needed a break." Ronnie spoke to try and get Blair's forgiveness.

"I don't even know why you went to boarding school and Europe to begin with. Do you know how it felt, calling your houses when you didn't show up at school and having your moms say: Serena didn't tell you that she moved to Connetticut? And, Ronnie didn't tell you that she's in Europe for a year?" Blair said, Ronnie felt the guilt flooding through her.

"I just... I had to go. I needed to get away from everything. Please just trust me." Serena said, "Me too, Blair. Everything would be so much easier if I just told you. But, I can't. I really can't." Ronnie said, "How can I trust you when I feel like I don't even know you and you're already keeping secrets from me?" Blair asked, Ronnie sighed.
"Let's fix that. I saw you at school with Katy and Is and I get it. I don't want to take any of that away from you. I just—" Serena started, "Because it's just yours to take if you want it?" Ronnie decided it was best to let them argue it out.

"No, that's not what I mean. I—I miss you. I just want things to go back to the way they used to be. You know, walking to school togheter, dancing on tables at Bungalow, the nights when we were at your mom's country house. You were like my sister, and with our families, we need each other. And you Ronnie, please just tell us whatever it is. So we can all start of fresh." Serena said.

"I—I can't. I mean, I want too. I just need time to figure it all out, I promise you, I will tell you as soon as I can." Ronnie wasn't ready to let them know about Talulah, but what if this was the only way she could get Blair's trust? "Well, you missed some classic Eleanor Waldorf melt-downs. If it wasn't such a tragedy it would have been funny. Actually kinda was." Blair said. "Well, I wish I could have been there." Serena said, "Me too." Ronnie smiled,

"You are now. I have to meet Nate. I kind of have something special and—" Blair trailed off, "We don't want to keep you waiting." Ronnie said, "But..." Ronnie had a grin on her face, as she pulled Blair and Serena into a group hug. "I love you guys. And i'm so very truly sorry." Ronnie said, she felt Blair and Serena's smiles into the hug. "I love you too, Ron. And you, S." Blair said, "I love you both." Serena said, "I'm glad i'm back." Ronnie said, they pulled away, Blair walked off to meet Nate.

Spotted: At The Palace Hotel, S, R and B having a heart to heart. Hmm, why so thirsty, S? You may have won over B for now but we still think you're hiding something. And you, R. Don't think you're done for now.

"I'm going to head off home. See you tomorrow, Ron." Serena gave Ronnie a hug. "Night, S." Ronnie smiled at her friend, "Goodnight." Serena smiled back, as she headed up. Ronnie stayed seated for a few more moments until her best friend, Chuck Bass walked over. "And what is the princess doing here?" Chuck asked Ronnie, who flashed him a smile. "Chuck, hey." Ronnie said. "How's that daughter of yours and Nate's? Talulah is it?" Chuck asked, as he took a gulp of a drink he had ordered.

"How do you know about her?" Ronnie's face went pale, "And she's not Nate's." Ronnie added, how could he possibly know? "Oh, Ronnie. You don't think I did some research after you mysteriously left town? It wasn't hard to gather information." Chuck said, "All I had to do was ring up a few places and people I know from Italy, and there. The birth certificate of Talulah May Archibald." Chuck spoke up, Ronnie stared at him. "Please, Chuck. Don't tell anyone about her." Ronnie practically begged.

"Don't worry, Ron. Your secret is safe with me." Chuck said, Ronnie sighed in relief. "Thank you, Chuck." Ronnie smiled at him. "Come here." Chuck opened his arms up. Ronnie wrapped her arms around him, "When do I get to meet my best friends baby?" Chuck asked, "How about Saturday?" Ronnie asked, Chuck nodded his head. "Sounds good." Chuck said, as he kissed Ronnie's forehead.

Ronnie loved her best friends. It was just a shame she'd lost Nate.

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