23. real life and messages

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The hum of the airplane managed to somehow put Madeline to sleep, she had never been a nervous flyer and always enjoyed the experience of being in the air.

The couple were on their way to Bali, a place they dreamed of visiting forever, so it made the perfect honeymoon destination. Once again, Madeline had woke up feeling a bit sick but she put it down to having a few too many shots on her wedding night.

Both Harry and Madeline slept most of the flight due to the raging hangovers they both acquired, but they made it to Bali safely.

They then began the journey to their private accommodation.

Once they arrived at their overwater bungalow, the first thing they did was jump into the crystal ocean together. They spent the next hour swimming, sunbathing, kissing, all things people do on holiday.

The first night went over in a flash, and before they knew it, it was morning and Madeline was hunched over the toilet bowl once again.

"I don't know what's wrong with me! I'm throwing up all the time, can't eat, i feel and look so bloated! i'm sick!" She cried in frustration as Harry held her hair back and her hand.

"I think i have an idea of what's wrong," Spoke Harry, moments after the realisation hit him. "You could be pregnant."

"What? Oh no! i can't be pregnant. i can barely look after myself never mind a whole child!" Madeline began to rant, anxiety overtaking her. "Come to think of it, i'm late. Fuck."

In one swift motion, Harry wrapped his arms around her, holding her close. Although he was panicking too, he just wanted to make sure she felt safe, after all, if she was pregnant, he didn't want any harm coming to the baby.

"It's okay, we can go get a test. You might not be but it's better to be safe than sorry," Harry reassured her.

Half an hour later, Harry came in with a bag full of things: a pregnancy test, champagne and apple juice (just incase) and chocolate.

Madeline ran to the bathroom, dragging her husband along with her.

"I'm not doing this while you're on the other side of the door, Harry," She whispered.

"It's okay i'm right here."

So, she took the test, set a three minuet timer, and waited.

The blaring of the timer shocked the newly weds, fear engulfing them both.

"You turn it over, i can't do it." Madeline pleaded.

Next thing she knew, Harry had the stick in his hands, facing them both. The word 'Pregnant' in bold.

"Oh my god! we're having a a baby!" Madeline shouted in glee, all worry leaving her body that moment.

"Thank you," Harry repeated over and over, kissing his wife, making his way down to her stomach where his child was growing. "I love you so much baby," Sobs escaped both of their lips as it had just fully hit them.

Harry then ran to the kitchen, brought out two glasses and some apple juice; "i think this calls for a celebration!"

They spent the rest of the honeymoon in Bali celebrating the pregnancy and spending time together, just the two of them. They wanted to live in this bubble as long as they could.

Two weeks later

Madeline and Harry had just arrived back in England from their honeymoon and were now on their way to her parents home to surprise them with the news.

Pulling up the drive, the nerves began to settle in. Harry held her hand in comfort, assuring her that it was all going to be okay.

"Harry, Madeline! you're home!" Madeline's mum shouted as she gave them tight hugs and ushered them inside.

"Mum where's dad, we need to tell yous something," spoke Madeline, her hand not once leaving Harry's.

Once her dad was in the room, she quickly handed them the test, not knowing what else to say.

"Oh my god! Please tell me this isn't a joke!" Andrea cried, jumping up and enveloping her daughter in the biggest hug.

"It's not a joke, i'm pregnant!" Madeline replied as tears began to fall down her face.

It must have finally clicked for her dad as he quickly jumped up and hugged both his daughter and son-in- law.

Joyous laughter and sobs filled the room as they celebrated the new edition to the family.

Suddenly, Arabella and Leo came rushing down the stairs after hearing the commotion. They both immediately hugged Harry and Madeline as they hadn't seen them for two weeks.

"Leo, Bella, i'm pregnant." Madeline quickly said, not wanting to keep it from them any longer. Then another round of hugs and tears appeared, making an already hormonal Madeline fall to pieces.

That's how they spent the night, crying, laughing, joking (Andrea and Bella thinking of names) before the soo-to-be parents had to leave and go tell Harry's family.

Harry's mum and sister were over the moon with the pregnancy, once again they all cried, and then celebrated some more.

group chat:
Who is pete???
karen karen🎹: Madeline
not the muse🌸: riley
the best woman alive: lola
billy fucking dunne: sam
drummer boy🥁: sebastian
the better dunne: will
pete's brother: josh

karen karen🎹:
heyyy i have something to tell yous all.


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best woman alive:

pete's brother:

not the muse🌸:

billy fucking dunne:
congrats mads! you're going to
be such a great mum x

drummer boy🥁:

the better dunne:
WHAT!?!?!! so so so
happy for you!

karen karen🎹:
thank you all so much🥹🥹

a/n: eeekkkk. a lot happened in here but i'm so excited! also TYSM FOR 10K READS literally crying rn 🥲🥲🫶

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