(For those who want to see because I cannot describe clothes for the life of me)

I walk down the stairs with my stuff levitating behind me because why the hell not, I'm a witch I can use magic.

I get to the bottom of the stairs and feel everyone's eyes on me "Hey guys"

Benjamin looks at me absolutely shocked "nope, no way in hell am I letting you wear that"

I laugh "come on, I have to make him jealous somehow"

He shakes his head again "nope go upstairs now and change"

"Benjamin we have to go she doesn't have time to change" Evelyn says giving Allison a wink

He lets out a sigh "fine but if anyone does anything or says anything I'm not going to let it go"

"Ok fine, now kids all of you get in the car now" Evelyn says ushering all of us out of the house

The car ride wasn't even that long it only took 1.5 hours, and the car was most definitely not a car it was more like a bus in the shape of a car.

Benji and Evelyn say in the front with Benji driving. Ginny, Hermione and me sat in the middle row, and Ron, Harry and Jake sat in the back.

Molly, Arthur, Sirius, Tonks, and Remus are going to meet us there.

"And here we are lovely King's Cross" Jake says while getting out of the car, "didn't you say you hated King's Cross second year summer?" I ask him

He pushes me to the side "That was then, this is now" he says with his arms spread out as if he owns the place

"Ok kids, get on the platform now the trains leaving in 30" Molly says rushing us to the wall

Hermione and Ginny go first running into the wall, then Harry and Ron, followed by me and Jake.

That's when we see the beautiful red steam train, god that's one thing I love about hogwarts. It's the journey, you have a beautiful scenic view while on the train.

Compared to beauxbatons, I had to floo to France then caught a carriage pulled by unicorns, but the scene was just trees and mud. Nothing that special.

We all said goodbye to everyone before getting a compartment of the train, Ron, Harry and Jake sat on one side while me, Ginny and Hermione say opposite them.

The train ride went quite quickly, we mostly talked about classes, drama within the school and quidditch.

I think that's what bonded Jake to the group the fact that we all have a passion for quidditch.

Before we all knew it we were back at hogwarts, we got off the train and onto the carriages that took us to the castle.

We all walked into the school before separating, my and Jake went down to the Slytherin common room while the rest went back to the Gryffindor common room.

When me and Jake walked in I immediately noticed a familiar short black haired Slytherin.

Jace walks over to the group while I walk over to her "nova"

This wasn't the plan (M.R x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now