Skateboarding | Heeseung

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As Y/n's heart raced with excitement, she looked at Heeseung, her boyfriend, and grinned. The plan was set - they were going to go skateboarding together at night. The streets were deserted, and the only source of light was the flickering glow of a nearby gas station. It felt like they were stepping into their own little adventure.

Before they set off, Heeseung suggested they stop by the convenience store to grab some slushies. "Are you down for some slushies?"

Y/n loved the idea, knowing that the sweet, icy drinks would be the perfect refreshment for their skateboarding escapade. She nodded with a smile.
They walked hand in hand, their fingers intertwined, towards the brightly lit store.

Inside the store, Y/n marveled at the colorful array of slushie flavors. She opted for a vibrant blue raspberry slushie, while Heeseung decided on a tangy cherry flavor. As they made their way to the counter to pay, Y/n couldn't help but steal glances at Heeseung. His playful smile and mischievous eyes filled her with warmth and anticipation.

With their slushies in hand, they stepped outside, the cool night air embracing them. Y/n took a sip from her slushie, the refreshing sweetness sending a delightful chill down her spine. Heeseung chuckled and took a sip from his own, their lips stained with the vibrant colors of their drinks.

As they reached the empty street, Y/n's heart pounded with a mix of nervousness and excitement. Heeseung, always the skilled skateboarder, offered to teach her how to ride. He handed her a skateboard, and Y/n's fingers trembled slightly as she stepped onto it, finding her balance.

Heeseung stood beside her, his voice filled with reassurance. "Just relax, Y/n. I'll be right here with you. Trust yourself, and you'll do great." His words washed away her doubts, and with a deep breath, she pushed off with her foot and glided forward.

The wind rushed through Y/n's hair as she wobbled unsteadily on the skateboard. Heeseung's voice guided her, giving her tips on balance and positioning. With each attempt, she gained a little more confidence. And even when she stumbled and fell, Heeseung was always there to catch her, his arms wrapping around her protectively.

They laughed together, their joy echoing through the empty streets. Y/n's heart swelled with happiness, feeling fortunate to have Heeseung by her side. His patience and encouragement made her feel invincible, capable of anything she set her mind to.

As the night wore on, Y/n's skateboarding skills improved. She found herself gliding along the smooth pavement, feeling the rhythm of the board beneath her feet. Heeseung applauded her progress, his eyes filled with admiration.

"Y/n, you're amazing! Look at how far you've come," he said, a proud smile lighting up his face. Y/n's cheeks flushed with a mixture of pride and love for him.

They continued to skate through the night, their laughter and conversations filling the air. Time seemed to stand still as they created memories together, their connection growing stronger with each passing moment.

Eventually, with tired legs and contented hearts, they decided to call it a night. They sat on a nearby bench, their skateboards resting beside them. Y/n leaned against Heeseung, her head on his shoulder, as they watched the flickering lights of the gas station in the distance.

"I couldn't have asked for a better night," Y/n whispered, her voice filled with gratitude.

Heeseung brushed a gentle kiss on her forehead and replied, "Me neither, Y/n. Being with you makes every moment extraordinary."

As they sat there, wrapped in each other's arms, the flickering lights of the gas station became a backdrop to their love story, a symbol of the beautiful night they shared.

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