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many months later until it turned to a whole year, (y/n) was accepted into w.i.s.e. as a second secratary in training and helped here and there.

she just follows sylvia around and do what she tells her to. like organising important documents, send groups to missions, and make sure that everything goes like plan.

during that time she also hacked into the system of the government to find anything useful about anya.


nothing close was found out about her. but hey, she had other ways too.


"absolutely not!"

"but syl!"

"i said no and that's final. you aren't fully trained yet. i can't let you join the secret police even if you say you can keep your identity save."

"urgh, fine. but at least let me try at the city hall."

"i- well we do have some spys there... no. no is no."

"then i will ask the boss, he surely will allow me to."

"go on then. i still disagree with this."


"sure why not."

"but sir!"

"mrs. sherwood, as new as (y/n) is, she wants to start her own mission. and since she is so motivated why not let the child achieve her goals as a spy, right?"

"understood sir..."

"(y/n) has already passed the difficult part of her life. losing someone is not easy. for none of us as spys. we have to hide our pain no matter what."

"you're right sir. i will prepare what is needed for her."


"and the last thing packed. i am on my way now sylvia. and thank you that you found a apartment near the hall."

"yeah, yeah. you should go now. and try not to get involved in anything that has nothing to do with you."

"yes ma'am.", (y/n) salutated like a soldier and went out the door.

"before you go, have you thought about your agent name yet?"

"i did, a long time ago. it's agent hydrangea. just like the flower."

"how did you come with it?"

"the flower reminded me of someone dear, so you get the rest i think."

"be careful..."

(y/n) was out the door to her apartment so she could go through everything and make sure the plan goes well.

however, sylvia doesn't know that
(y/n) also sneaked herself to the secret police with the help from from franky and the boss so she can work at the two places was and just hack herself while working and look for clues about anya. to look in orphanages did cross her mind but there were too many in ostania which would take to much time to look at all of them.


"sir... she did what?!"

"i helped her with franky so no worries."

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