🎮 Chapter Three: Video game night (take two of team building) 🎮

Start from the beginning

Onyx slightly turned away from him, "I think I am done playing video games."

"So, you're going to sit here and sulk, and not tell people how you actually feel."

Onyx moved her body a bit further away, still looking down.

Auburn let out a sigh, "You're young, but strong. In fact I think you are the youngest in the team, let alone the whole school."

Onyx looked up at him, "Oh yeah?"

"Yeah! It's because you are a tough cookie!"

Onyx groaned, "Please do not talk about cookies right now."

"Oh right, sorry, my bad." Auburn apologized.

Onyx sighed, "Age has nothing to do with being strong or being a team leader. It is about experience."

"And teamwork, I guess too right. So how do we get past all this," he paused, then continued, "funk, and work well with Jasper?"

Onyx felt her cheeks start to turn hot. Auburn looked at her with intense curiosity.

Onyx slowly spoke, "When I first met her and we were at the site with the flower crowns, I thought 'this girl totally matches the pink rose perfectly.' Like, as a compliment. There is just something about her that attracts me to her."

"Then you need to go for it!" Onyx jumped at her brother's excited yell. He calmed down a bit then asked, "Remember mom and dad's story?"

Onyx groaned, "I swear I think you like their story more than the fairy tales."

Auburn waved his hand, "Get comfortable young lass, and let me tell you a tale, of the two strongest warriors who found love through their days of training and war."

Onyx rolled her eyes, and hugged her knees to her chest.

"They met in a village of water lilies and fresh bread. He found her stealing a loaf from a garbage can. He wasn't alone though, some other young boys saw her and bullied her over her clothes and food choices. He ran away, but was met by his father, who told him, 'Sometimes the worst action to take is taking no action at all.' But he did not see her again, until the village was under attack from a creature known as the Nuckelavee. Even though both his parents perished from the creatures of Grimm, he was able to save the young girl, by unlocking his semblance.

"Soon after, they traveled to Beacon Academy. There they were a part of a team, known as Team JNPR (Juniper). She was in love with him, he was oblivious to the love, but he regarded her as a friend and relied on her strength in battle. You see, he was soft spoken, while she was outgoing. She was ready to fight, while he wanted to help protect others. Yet, despite all they offered to their friends and to each other, the academy fell, and they set out for answers, alongside their team leader and Ruby, who is..."

"Jasper's mom."

"Ding ding! Right answer there sis," Auburn said with a bright grin. Then his face grew solemn. "They faced grief together, the grief of the loss of their academy and of a close friend, who had strived to protect them all from a greater evil. Even though he was beginning to see and feel the soft love for her, he pushed himself to train and fight harder. Yet, it only made him come up short in battle. When she finally revealed her true feelings, he could not give her what she wanted from him. Until after she got badly electrocuted and used up much of her semblance, he realized she was the partner for him, but she was confused on who she was supposed to be. So they agreed to let her figure out who she was, yet they remained close through all of the hard battles and the War."

Onyx blew her bangs out of her face.

Auburn cleared his throat and sped up his story, "After mom found her self worth and who she was, she was able to share the feelings of love for him and in return he shared his feelings of love for her. Fast forward a few years, and they got married and started a family. All from them finding out their true inner selves and together as a team and a couple."

He concluded his tale with a half bow, "The end."

Onyx stared at him as he stood back up straight.

"Right." She started out slowly, "I mean, I'm glad it worked out for mom and dad, without them we would not be here." She stood up, and turned around, waving her hand at the academy, "In this academy, we have the sacred duty of needing to protect people. Yet we are teamed up with potential Hunters and Huntresses who think the world is simplistic and haven't even finished growing up themselves."

Auburn looked over at her, and with a frustrated sigh said, "But you know who you are! You've always known your own self. So you can share that with others. Especially with me and your teammates."

"I'm sorry, Auburn. I can't deal with this right now. I have to focus on classes." Onyx left the area.

Auburn tossed up his hands in frustration, "Fine, suit yourself. One day you'll tell her the truth. And maybe even open up a bit more."


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Auburn Ren's emblem (Art by Jenmouse45).

To be continued. 

Team JAPO: Part One Rosy RenewalWhere stories live. Discover now