🌶️ Chapter One: Sanctuary Academy 🌶️

Start from the beginning

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"Onyx? Onyx!"

Auburn kept calling out for his sister. He told his mother he would look after her because she was...well, Onyx. Shy, quiet, and reserved. Like a black anti-social cat his mother once told him about.

A rustle caught his attention. "Hey sis, what took you so long. I was worried about..."

"Uh, I ain't no sis." A deep male voice said.

Auburn watched as brown curls popped out from under the bush.

"Sorry, mate." Peridot said.

"You mean, sorry teammate." Auburn said teasingly.

Peridot sighed and got up. "Well, shall we?"

"I'll follow your lead."

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Onyx stared at Jasper. "Ummm. I think there has been a mistake."

"There is no mistake. We have to be a team now."

"Right." Onyx said, putting her bow behind her back and walking forward.

Jasper jogged over to her to catch up.

"I like your bow! It's a lot different from my bow. You know, the one in my hair."

"Uh huh." The girl muttered slowly, unamused.

"What is your name? My name is Jasper!"

The girl looked over at her then back into the forest. "Onyx."

"Oh, that sounds like a lovely name! It's nice to meet yo-"

Onyx shushed her. "Wait."

Jasper clasped her lips together. Onyx ducked down behind a fallen tree and Jasper did the same.

Across from a small stream, a circle of mossy stones each had a pile of flowers of various colors. Onyx observed that something felt off.

"There seem to be a few missing already." Jasper also noticed.

"Could be a trap."

"But is that the relic we need to bring back?"

"Not back. Forward."

"Wait, what?" Jasper stuttered in confusion.

Onyx pointed at the stream, "The footprints there lead away from the relics. But not towards us. Towards a different place."

"Uh huh." It was Jasper's turn to muse. She clasped her hands loudly together, the noise starting Onyx, "I'm just gonna go grab one."

"No, wait we need to-" With a flourish Jasper activated her semblance and sped over to a stone.

On top of the green moss, was a flower crown of light pink roses.

Jasper squealed, "My favorite color!"

Onyx crossed over the stream, trying not to make a loud splash.

Jasper held up the flower crown, "For you!"

"Oh uh, maybe there is a different color? Pink isn't really my thing-" Jasper put the crown on and took a step back. Onyx caught a whiff of the sweet petals gracing her hair.

Jasper went and grabbed the other one and put it on her head. "See! Now we match."

Onyx let out a frustrated sigh. "We're wasting time. The main objective is to get to the new ceremony site."

Team JAPO: Part One Rosy RenewalWhere stories live. Discover now