Dazai went back to his seat and still stared as Chuya put some soil and pepper then backing a little to look fully at his creation and grining feeling very satisfied.

(This is an actuall meal i made some days ago it was so very delicious follow this instruction and have a good meal it's very easy too, dont forget about a plate)

Chuya put his plate on the kitchen island and grabbed two forks, then walked around and sat next to Dazai. "Here, you are literally drooling and I know you obviously didn't eat anything today" Redhead said, ofering one fork. Dazai Looked at the fork then at the tasty looking meal, the smell was wonderfull and he didnt eat anything besides his delicious cookie a few hours ago. Then glancing down at the plate again, he though if he should eat it. It feels dumb, it IS dumb.  He though, why is he even thinking about it he's hungry so he should just grab this fork and eat as much as he can so Chuya is annoyed. But for some reason he can't bring himself to grab the fork instead turning other way and puting on an annoyed face "Stupid chibi didn't I say I don't want to eat! or maybe i need to say it in yout language hm?" He then Woof-ed a few times at the now angry Chuya. 

Realy, he's here trying to be nice and that's the treatment he get's "Oh fuck off you dumb mummy" He groaned and kicked other of off the chair. Dazai yellped in surprise as he came crashing to the ground. "Chibi's so meen...." He said faking a cry while standing up. He walked back to the couch watching the still playing channel on TV which Chuya forgot to turn off. It was now playing advertisements of some dumb products that the brunette wonders who would even want. Right now it was a weight with some "super technology~" which was a some sort of thing that counts something? He doesn't know and doesn't realy care, but he thought about something. How much does he weights? He's now courios.

"Chuyaaaaaaaaa" Dazai whined from the couch to the almost finished redhead. "What" he said taking last bites of his meal. The other stood up and sat next to Chuya again. "Do You have a weight?" He said blinking cutely so the other will be more likely to give him what he wants. Chuya ignores the blinking and just looks confused standing up and going to put the dishes into the sink. "I do. But what for?" He walked in the direction of his bathroom in which is a weight. "I'm just curious how much I weight!" He declared happily throwing hands into the air. Chuya sighed reching under the bathroom sink and taking a glass weight from under it. 

Chuya put the device on his floor and thought that he's gonna weight himself as well so he stood on it. Dazai watched as the numbers went up then down then up, it stoped at a number. He didn't realy know what to think about it for he's not familiar with how much a male of Chuya's age should weight. He heard the latter groan, so he's probably gained weight then? But looking at Chuya it's probably all muscless, he has them more and more everytime they meet. "Okay, now you" Dazai smiles and copies what the other did, you wouldn't belive he never used a weight before (except for the ones Mori used then checking his weight and height, allthough that one was way bigger) They both glared as the numbers also went up then down and then up. Finally settling on a number, Chuya opened his phone and started typing something into google. Dazai stared at the number. He doesn't know if it's low or high but... **.** seems pretty high..

"Hah" Dazai stoped looking at the number and instead looked at Chuya. "And here I though your all skin and bones" Dazai looked confused tilting his head, Chuya understood and showed him his phone. "I looked up how much a sixteen year old should weight, from what it says your avarage weight. What is good I though you might have problem with eating or something a few times but I guess not" Chuya turned his phone back to himself and walked out of the bathroom and to the couch. 

Dazai still stared at the number below him. Or rather the blank space because the number already disappeared, yet he can still see the number.
He frowned, why is he even so annoyed about this? It's just weight why does it bother someone like him, someone who isn't even human. He didn't realise then His body itself walked to the door, closed them, and now he was taking off his clothes in front of Chuya's comicly big mirror.

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