Chapter 1

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AU: my first ever fanfic and English is not my first laungish. So please don't judge, I wrote this instead of my history assigment (due today).

Aelin Galathynius looked up at the dark night, stars lighitng up the dark curtain of night behind them. Was the night ever jealous of the stars? She thought to herself. It was a weird question, yet it made sense. Being nothing but a help to get stars to shine, cause who would even want to look at just the nightsky? No one really thought about how it was only because of that cold dark night that stars actually could shine.

 A breeze of cool wind gently brushed her rosy cheeks, so gently that she knew it wasn't from Rowan sleeping in the room next to hers. He'd been a great help in all of this, but still hadn't opened up to her yet. He still blamed himself for what happened to Lyria, his mate. Aelin coulnd't help but feel a wave of guilt crash over her for that too. Because surely Rowan would've oppened up to her if she was a little bit more.. of something. Never enough, trying her best in everything, yet never enough.

 The renovations from war had been though and with her power strongly reduced she couldn't help as much as Rowan did. Besides, wind was way more needed than fire in this matter, if she didn't want to burn it down. Sometimes she wished that her powers remained for that singular reason, to just burn down the entire world. To live in peace with her friends and not having to do all this stupid rebuilding of Terrasen. It was a selfish wish, but even if she loved her people greatly she sometimes felt like she needed a pause from everything.  It was easy being Celeana Sardothien for that reason. Nobody relied on nor trusted her. Her decisionmaking affected nobody but herself. Now being Queen, it was all too much. 

And on top of all that, she couldn't let go of that dream chasing even her daytime visions sometimes. It was a human with wings? He did some awful things in those dreams, but she didn't bat an eye. Whatever he did or if he was a godsdammed monster, she'd probably done worse things anyway. She was definitly more of a monster.  Sometimes she saw dreams from his percpective and other times from somone near him. The latter were her favorite, much because she got to see his golden eyes untiredlessly trying to take in information, his full lips working at such a speed that Aelin often wondered how anybody understood what he said. Of course they weren't just staring at his lips so that might had made it easier.

Then his large dark wings spreading out as he flied over snow covered mountains. In his sleep he kept them sheilded around him to protect him, from what, Aelin didn't know.  What she did know however was that he always kept 7 blue stones on top of his stones. As he obviously didn't have such a good sense o fashion as she did he rarely matched his clothes to them.  Aelin felt the edge of her plum lips unintentiolly tugg upwards at the thought of him in the clothes he'd worn some mounths ago in some sort of winter event, maybe yulemas. Instead he wore some sort of leathers every day, sometimes even on fancier events. She scoffed a man with wings amd no sense of fashion. Who is even that? Aelin knew the answer.


She let out a small laugh at her head even as they wandered to him again.

Everytime she saw his face she also felt somwthing else about him, he was covered in shadows and darkness. He could stand in the middle of a light room, yet still have the shadows surrounding him. It remained her of both the two long mounths in Maeve's dark iron coffin and the torturous year at endovier. Aelin fought back a flinch at the memories, serching for any of that warmth she had just moments ago thinking of the batman or whoever he was. 

Based on all the information she'd gotten about him, he was probably in that world she saw just a glipse of when she fell through worlds and another winged male, this time  a fae based of the pointy ears, had saved her. 

The queen felt a longing in her chest as if someone was tugging on the thread that led to it. Someone who didin't want to feel alone. This time it was stronger than ever before and her body started to disobey that logical part of her brain. Not that that part had such a big space anyways.

Quickly she changed clothes and put on something more... appropriate than her golden nightgown. Just in the unfortunate case that she would be gone for longer than intended she wrote quick letter to Aedion briefly explaining the situation. It wasn't exactly the smartest thing to do, follow a strange feeling into the forest in the middle of the night. Then again, when had she ever done the smartest thing (that dosn't involve sacrificing herself)?  

A thin layer of snow was spread on the hard ground of Terrasen. Rubbing her hands over her arms, Aelin curced herself for not bringing anything warmer. Her breathing soon got raged due to the fast tempo her body was urging her to upholl. It was as if every part of her wanted to unite with him. She had no idea how she was going to achive that by comming there, but she trusted that thin bond.  

Suddenly the trees cleaved open revealing a glen surrounded by a few rocks. I the middle was a strange blue light barely two meters big. By this time she could barely even control her legs aas they swiftly moved across the powdered snow, leaving footprints that would without doubt be snown over during the rest of the early morning. Leaving no trace

That tugging grew and it was as if someone had bond a rope right into her beating heart and now pulled it, dragging along the rest of her aswell. 

Aelin digged her leather boots down the muddy ground below a blanket of fluffy snow. The attempt to resist caused nothing but an ache in her whole body and she le out a frusterated sound,  but didn't let go. 

Aedion would be furious with her if she got sucked into this portal or whatever. Lyssandra would probably just get mad that Aelin didn't include her in this nightime activity of hers. Basically the whole kingdom would murder her in the afterworld if she died now.  The thought of so many people counting on her drained Aelin enough so that she let go.

And fell right into the portal.

AU: Okay sooo as I said in the start, this is just going to be  a bunch of bad writin here and I'm sorry for the short (and just overall bad) chapter but it's currently 2 am and I just decided I was gonna start writing fanfiction. Anyways I might update this like once a week if I'm being optimistic.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2023 ⏰

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