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There's nothing better then to start Wednesday morning with cheer practice

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There's nothing better then to start Wednesday morning with cheer practice...yayyyy.

The girls and I were tired we wanted to go shower and get straight to class but no the coach insisted that we try again until it's perfect.

"Ok guys let's just do it one more time and then we can go alright" they all nodded their heads in union agreeing.

It didn't take me and the girls long to get it done with and once we were finished we basically ran to the locker room.

"God I am sweating it's so irritating I hate sweat" Jessica said in a frustrated voice "oh c'mon JJ it's not that bad and besides we didn't even work a lot" Lily said in one of the showers gentle humming to herself.

"Did Neo talk too you yesterday?" Mikaili asked in curiosity "yeah he was pissed and he didn't wanna talk about afterwards" I stated while thinking back at yesterday.

"But seriously what did Sebastian do? I see why you invested in wanting to know what happened between the two of them because fuck am I too"

Mikaili said while tying her bra. She was just as pretty like the rest of us. Dark brown hair that came out as waves there and there and slightly blue eyes like the ocean. Sharp nose and very pigmented lips. Trixie was her sister the two of them has different aesthetics but you could tell they were sisters.

"Well ladies me and Jessica has to get going we have bio so see you later"

The girls waved us off and I basically dragged Jessica with me. We decided today sit in the middle section just where the teacher could see us and just when we walked in Sebastian and Michael did too.

Great does the world want me to end up with him all the time. I thought we only had English with them?

Sebastian placed himself on my left side and no surprise Michael sat next to Jessica. Strange once again.

"Hey Aria how you doing?" Seb asked me while directly looking at my eyes. "All good cheer practice was tiring but it was good" he just nodded and smiled again. He has a beautiful smile now that I think of it.

"So thought about the hockey yet?" right before I could answer Jessica chimed in "what about hockey? you going to a hockey game Ari you do know Neo will be pissed right"

Jessica gave me a concern look and Michael was just staring at her side profile but he started to chime in as well "who gives a fuck about Neo he's pointless and it's not like the football game will be the exact night so I suggest you ladies come along" Michael suggest that me and JJ comes with but I think he just wants Jessica there.

"I agree with Mike come with we'll give you and experience and show you hockey is way better than football" Jessica sighed and said if I'm going then she'll go as well "can we invite the other girls as well? they haven't been to a hockey game before either so it would be wrong not to invite them as well" I asked the two boys they just shrugged and layed to the back "we not stopping you bring as much friends as you'd like just make sure you bring yourself as well" Sebastian said while turning he's head in my direction.

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