
As the Prisoners now as that were been set Free now as that from how as that needed to be Surtr was on his way there now as that from his time had come now as that from his long dream at last.


Danny brought back Mimir now as from how as that Varley Defeated Thor now as from how that got his hammer now as well.

Mimir(Rossweisse? The last time that I saw you was when you were a kid)

Rossweisse(That was over 100 winters ago Mimir)

Mimir(So Ragnarök's truly happening)

Rossweisse(Yes and that Surtr is on his way here)

And that headed off now as that from while talking now as that from what info was needed now as that overall Danny learned now as that from what was needed to now but that wasn't for now as that thus now as that Finally.

Danny(Ah Hello again Odin)

Odin(So you made up your mind to attack Asguard after you've finished off the underworld)

Danny(That's right as that end of the day now as that path as that of true peace as that needed but that now as that vs mindless crap now as that from what was caused now as that in order as that to make a better world now as that from the need to get your hands dirty now as that from known truth)

Odin(I'd like to see you try it brat!)

Odin(I'd like to see you try it brat!)

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Danny Defeated Thor's 2 sons now as that from how as that thought was better than he was but that proved no match now as that vs Danny's overwhelming power and might thus now as that got sent away vs Kuroka and co now as that now as that Danny vs ...

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Danny Defeated Thor's 2 sons now as that from how as that thought was better than he was but that proved no match now as that vs Danny's overwhelming power and might thus now as that got sent away vs Kuroka and co now as that now as that Danny vs Odin from how as that now as that went down from the Mayhem now as that was going down all over Asguard.

Odin(Your father may be Demon Death! But you are no match for a God Boy!)

Danny(A God you? don't fuck around now as that from what kind of God as that Abuses their power now as that pathetic no good now as that such as yourself)As that from those words Odin was enraged now as that from the truth of the known matter.

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