He came back now as that from how as that her Tea now as that was Ready now as that from how as that he handed to her.

Irina(Thank you)

Danny(No worries)As she took that sip

Irina(It's delicious)

Danny(That's good to know as that here now as that thought now as that wasn't perfect but that good enough now as that for made such a thing as Tea but that works out good enough from the truth)

Irina(Trip back now as that from something..............Alright but from how that got to come back home to see you my Fiancé' again from that promise we made isn't that so Honey?)As that now she hugged him tighter 

Danny(Yeah that's true we promised that if we ever saw each other again we'd marry each other seems like so long ago almost forgot)

Irina(But I've kept true You're the only man I'll ever want to be with and this ring you gave me before I left has always kept me strong through every challenge I've faced Whenever something hard happened I thought of you and the promise we made to each other)She had held up her left hand and revealed a smooth rounded gold band around fourth finger and held it to her chest

He gave that small smile and held her close that was an item now that he made now as that cleaned up now as that from parting gift to her now as that from how as that before she left but that made him happy nonetheless from how she kept it thus now as that turned serious from needed to be asked it was the best thing she's ever gotten she never part with it.

Danny(Irina why were you on the roadside)

Irina(Do you have belief in God? I believed in such a God but I was betrayed and ran away)


Danny(So that's what happened)

He comforted her now as that from what was needed now as that Irina knew that she was the first girl to accept Danny when everyone left Danny it was he who became her friend, now as that both now as that fully now as that took the time now as that to fully caught up now as that from long-needed now as that from truth as that shocker as that from both and that what happened in there lives from the events that known to be as.

She explained from what and everything now as that happened to her now as that thus now as that Danny knew from the truth of what needed to be done now as that from the matter due to the hands at be. Danny was the light that flickered the Despair of her heart

Danny(Seems now that from what I need to do only more clearly)

Irina(What do you mean by that?)

Danny(I'm going to Destroy complete Annihilation of the entire supernatural/Pantheon world)Irina's eyes widened at his words.

Irina(D-Danny Please tell me that you joking)

Danny(Hmm? Why would I lie to you about that?)

Irina(You're Serious?!)

Danny(That's right people of the world are suffering now as that from no good weak because of the strong they are afraid to fight back now as that from due to the powers and that from the factions who are no good as that evil rotten now as that from how as that Church Angles and that one as that from there all no worse than the devils broken from fallen Angle stray rouges as that using humans and pawns from there little game now as that from how as that those of Sacred gears how pathetic no reason to have humans die no freedom and equal end of the day now as that from needs to be pure of the filthy to put down the criminals human/supernatural now as that from whatever means necessary)

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