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it is now 11:25 AM i went out for a walk, i was feeling so tired and trapped inside the house so i decided to go for some fresh air

when i was walking on the streets a tone of guys were looking at me with hungry eyes, i started running while the guys ran after me

i wasnt looking for where i was going and i saw a car, i stopped in front of it with my eyes wide

then before i knew it, i felt a pain in the stomach


when i saw that i hit the boy, i was about to ran away but called the ambulance to save his life

the ambulance got here before my eyes when i said it was argent

"hey sir, what happened to this guy?" they asked

"i accidently hit him with my car" i said guilty

"oh ok, we will go with him, goodbye" they said leaving



i was in the middle of my class when i heard my phone ringing

i went to grab it and found an amergency number

"is this xiao zhan?"
"yes it is, what is it?"
"were sorry to inform you that wang yibo is here with us, he got in a seriuos car accident, please come see hhim if you have time"they said cutting the call, i just stood there frozen

i rushed towards the office

"hey may i get an early leave, thank you" i said rushing towards my car

i called gong jun

"hey jun im going to the hospital, yibo has gotten into an accident, goodbye" i said cutting the call

i quickly drove and reached the hospital

"hey im looking for the room that wang yibo is in" i said in a rush

"so who are you to him" the woman asked

"im his husband"

"23" she said i rushed toward number 23, when i reached there i saw yibo with a few bruses on his lips and his cheekbones

"oh mr xiao you got here early, um from what ive discovered he will be in a coma for 2 months since the injuries are not that deep, but his brain is having time to function" the doctor said

my tears kept on coming slowly, i sat next to yibo and took his hand once the doctor was out of the room

"bobo please dont leave me, i need you in this life, please yibo" i said crying


once i heard the news that yibo is at the hospital, my heart stopped beating

"zhan isnt going to be ok" i said

the bell rang, i went over to yibos older brothe wang haoxuan

"hey xuan" i said greeting him, he smiled at his girlfriend then looked at me

"hey jun" he said "do you know what happened to yibo" i asked him

"what happened?" he asked more worried

"he got into an accident" i said, he stood up with his eyes wide like a touch

"he is now in the hospital" i said

"does zhan know about this?" he asked, i nodded hessitatedly

"he is at the hospital right now" i said worried about how he is going to react

"zhan is the least person they can call, if they know what zhan will be like when he heard of this, they wouldve never called him" he said with his voice worried about zhan

i sighed knowing that we cant leave school at this time

"wait xuan your a senior so you can leave" i said, he shook his head

"nope i cant leave because my maths teacher has beef with me, then my girlfriend here doesnt want to leave me and i cant leave because i need anyone in my family to comfirm that im leaving with their notice" he said pointing over at his gf

"does uncle zhoucheng know about this?" he asked

i shrugged not knowing wheather he knows or not

i called zhan on my phone, he didnt pick up the first time

but when i called him for the third time he picked up

"hey zhan"
"yeah" he answered very little
"how long is he going to be in the hospital for?"
"for 2 months, since his injuries arent that deep" he said sounding broken
he cut the call

i looked at houxuan, he looked at me curiously

"what?" he asked

"yibo is going to be in a coma for 2 months" i said

his eyes widened again

"wait let me give uncle zhoucheng a call" he said

"hey uncle zhoucheng?" he said putting it on loud speaker

"hey xuan"
"did you know about yibo?"
"yes i was just about to leave to check on how zhan and him are doing"
"can you go with me and jun?"
"oh sure where are you guys?"
"were here at the shelter"
"ok im coming wait for me there"

he said cutting the call

Me and houxuan waited for him

"Hey jun, I think my girlfriend is cheating on me" he said

I looked at him then his girlfriend who was looking at this guy's so much

"I think so too" I said confirming, he sighed

" I might break up with her" he said, I looked at him shocked

"Why?" I asked

" because I am not getting jealous everyday only to be treated like an animal" he said, I putted my hand on his shoulder

"It's ok" I said, then we saw zhoucheng

"Hey baby I'm going" houxuan said to his girlfriend who didnt even notice

xuan sighed and we left the school

zhoucheng drove us to the hospital when we got inside, zhoucheng asked for the number and we got it

"hey zhan we" we got inside and i saw zhan with red eyes, he seems like hes been crying for too long

i went up to him and hugged him "its ok" i said to him

he cried even more "its my fault" he started saying

"its not your fault"

"it is i couldve stayed with him, but i went to school" he said crying

i hugged him, houxuan and zhoucheng just looked at zhan worried

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