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I was walking to my class and then I saw one of my students in the English class

"Hey haikuan, what are you doing out of class" I asked him

He looked at me in shock
"Um I just came and dropped someone here" he said and I nodded

We entered the dance room, I saw xu kai practising while the others were looking at him

They then looked at me, I rolled my eyes not believing how slow their brains are

"So your telling me, I came here and found only one person practising and you others are just staring at him instead of following his actions" I said glaring at them

"Anyways I'm going to let it go for now" I said putting my dancing shoes on they all looked at me

"That means get in your possions and start preparing" I said, they all stood up and started getting into rows

"ok, five six seven-"


i was about to start teaching when someone interrupted, i looked at the person and i saw zhehan, i smirked knowing that he gong juns crush

"hey zhehan" i said waving to him

"hey teacher, can you tell your brother not to text me all night?" he said and i just laughed

i continued teaching, this is the best class and the sassiet "so mr xiao, do you know mr wang" one of the students asked

i shook my head, and wrote the questions on the board

"so he is the dance teacher and i think you two will go great together" i looked at the student who said that

"well i know him, and how do you even know that we look good together" i said

"well you make everyone happy and i i think you can make him very in love" she said , i rolled my eyes

"students where did you get the rumours that me and Mr Wang would look good together" I said since all the class already started cooing at the topic

"Well Mr Wang is really handsome and your so cute" one of them said

Suddenly the bell rang and it's time for the next class

My next class came and I wasn't surprised when I saw my brother in there

"Ight class get your book and open to page 16, I'm going to have someone read that page to me please" I said facing the board and wrote today's topic


I faced the class again, they all looked at me with weird looks

"So anyone wants to read or I'm going to pick one" I said, they all looked at each other

I sighed then pointed to ziyu

"Please read paragraph one and two" I said looking at her

"LGBTQ+ community officially known as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Queer are people who are attracted to the same sex and are more comfortable in that position" she said, they all then looked at me, geez these people like to at someone

"Any questions about that paragraph?" I asked and almost all the people putted their hands up

I pointed to xu kai

"Which are the positions" he said smirking, I comfortable threw a book at his face and made him seat down

"Any more unstupid questions" I asked

They all still had their hands up

I pointed over gong jun my brother

"Are you part of the lgbt what ever community?" He asked

I just turned arround and wrote on the board 'why do we celebrate pride day' when I turned to look back at them I saw someone had a hand up still

"Yes" I said hesitantly

"I think you and Mr Wang would look cute together" she said, my eyes widened

"Why do you think that?" I said "because I think he is part of lgq yea community" she said once again

"OK can you write these in your books and you will share your answers soon" I said pointing at what's written on the board

"IGHT y'all share your answers thanks quit the loud noise" I said shushing them

"OK sir the reason why we celebrate pride day is because we want to not make the others arround us uncomfortable" she said

"Give her applause" I said starting to clap my hands

"OK the reason is because we want to show our support" she said I started clapping my hands and they began clapping as well

I now pointed to haikuan

"We don't want to make mr wang and mr xiao uncomfortable so we want them to live-" before he can finish, I threw a book at him

"OK we are moving on to-" suddenly I was interupted by the bell

They all started packing up and went to recess

I made my way to the staff "Y'all what up with these kids?"I said

"Um what do you mean?" One of the teachers said

I looked at mr wang and waited till he is here

"Well they are saying that me and Mr Wang would look cute together" I said

" well you would make a greate couple" he said, I rolled my eyes

Mr wang was just looking at me

"Why aren't you saying anything?" I said

"What do you want me to say?" he said, i rolled my eyes and turned to him, i went up to him but i tripped on something

i thought i was about to fall when yibo held my waist avoiding me from falling, i looked at him right in the eyes, he looked at me back

we stayed like that for a few minutes but then i came out of it when i heard some sounds

i saw some of the teachers squiling

i looked up at yibo then got out of the pisotion

"now i get why students ship you two" one of the teachers said

i looked at yibo who was smirking and i smiled back


when zhan was about to leave i did the call me sign for him to call me later

i chuckled, dam he looks cute, i then looked at the teachers who were looking at me with smirks

i rolled my eyes

well you see me and zhan are secretly married, and we live in the same house now

the only people that know are his family and my family

i went towards my table and grabbed my coffee cup

i went back to my class and started getting prepared

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