part 3: the office

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Warning: swearing, yelling, mention of smut.

No ones pov:

Masky and Hoodie were standing nervously in front of Slenderman's office. Masky knocked on the door and opened it to find Slenderman sitting there. To their surprise, he didn't look mad

"Sit." He says.

The two sat sown anxiously waiting for him to speak.

"You two are aware of the new proxy correct?" He asked

"Yes, sir." Masky said while hoodie nods even more nervous.

"Good. You two are in charge of training him. Hes been here for a few months now and he is ready to start going on missions like the rest of us with the proper training you both have." He says, pausing to take a breath.

"I have had jeff and a few others arrange a cabin for you both to stay in with him. Its easier to go somewhere else that way there are no distractions. Understood?" He looked down at the both of them. Even with no eyes you could tell if he was looking at you or not based on how serious he was.

The two men nod and get up to leave when he clears his throat signaling them to turn around.

"And don't think your off the hook for last night. If that's what you want that is fine, but I advise you not to do it when others are around. I don't need them complaining to me about the noise. or else I will be as mad as you two are thinking."

Masky looks at hoodie, relieved they weren't punished and went back downstairs. They hear ben laughing and yelling at the tv as usual as they walk downstairs and see M/n silently watching from the other end of the couch.

"SUCK IT (random call of duty username) I WIN HAHAHA"

"Ben quiet down he cant hear you." Masky says already annoyed.

M/n turned around hearing maskys voice and hugged both of them. Ben made a gagging noise before turning around and yelling to them.

"Get a room!" Ben laughed as he yelled it.

"Shut it link." M/n says.

"M/n, can we talk upstairs?" Masky and hoodie both manage to say at the same time.

"Sure?" M/n says curios on why they wanted to go somewhere.

(Sorry for the short chapters this is the first editing I've done for a while on this story and I want to focus a bit more on adding new chapters rather than editing them first so anyone reading would get bored.)

Edit Feb 20 2024: Hi, sorry for the wait but for anyone new reading this I am officially starting it back up as of today and there will be a new chapter before the 1st of april. I always put it off and wait and am unable to do it because of personal things and this time I have less things that are going on and I will be able to. 

masky x hoodie x male reader OngoingWhere stories live. Discover now