If she didn't focus on being pissed at them, she'd have to admit to herself how sad and lonely it made her feel to hear them call her "baby," and how much she wanted someone to call her that and really mean it. Above all, she didn't want to give herself even a moment to think about how much she wanted to crawl back in bed with them. Men like them probably teamed up on women all the time and then moved right on to the next party girl. Wanting to feel their arms around her was only going to end with eventual rejection. She'd never be able to keep their interest.

Sighing deeply, Clara fought to control her emotions. She looked for her clothes on the bed, on the dresser, and then in the bathroom before she remembered. They'd washed her clothes last night. If she wanted to make a hasty retreat, she'd have to go back out there and ask for them. Maybe even say "please." That's when the hysterical laughter started. It was all so crazy and she was so stressed that all she could do was laugh. She'd always been given to laughing at the most inappropriate times. Some things, she guessed, just never changed.


Adam frowned at Xavier. "Shit. Hear that?" Clara was in the guestroom, letting gales of laughter fly, and suddenly Adam was very worried. He didn't know why she'd flown from the bed like that, but maybe she was having some sort of delayed fit of shock after the attack last night.

"Hey, Clara? Are you okay in there?" Xavier called out.

Xavier asked the dumbest questions sometimes. "Obviously, she's not okay."

"Well, I had to ask. What else are we going to do? Keep waiting out here with our dicks in our hands?"

Adam turned the door knob, not surprised to find it locked. "Let's break the door down."

"Yeah. Great idea, dumbass. Break the door down and scare the shit out of her."

"Got a better idea?" The look on Xavier's face said he definitely didn't.

All Adam knew was that he was worried. That weird laughter had turned to silence, and for a moment, he wondered if their mate was insane. But no, that couldn't be. Fate wouldn't be that cruel.

Xavier knocked on the door again, calling her name and asking if she was okay. Then, he pounded harder. Nothing.

Adam exchanged another look with his brother, and just like that, the decision was made up. He would kick the door in, and they would go find out what was wrong with their woman. He was just getting into position when the door suddenly opened. There Clara stood, wrapped in a sheet and looking none the worse for wear, except for her reddened eyes. She'd been crying.

Without hesitating, he pulled her into his arms and tipped her chin up. He got it now, or he thought he did. "Are you worried this was a one-night stand?" It surprised him that she'd cry over that, but if she felt the pull of their destined match, then yeah, that sort of thing would be devastating.

Clara glanced over at Xavier and then down at the floor. Damn, he wished he could read her, but that would come later.

When she finally spoke, her voice trembled. "Not exactly. Sort of. No..." She gave a frustrated sigh. "I don't know. There's a lot going on in my head right now, and I don't usually do things like this."

Xavier reached over to caress her cheek. "We just want to know what's wrong and help you through whatever it is. Let's go sit down and talk. We have some important things to tell you."

Adam nodded, though he cringed inside. Sure, they'd have a calm, rational discussion in which they'd disclose that they were wolves, and she became hysterical all over again. He sighed, knowing there was no avoiding it. As hard as it would be for her to hear and believe, she had to know.

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