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  It's Monday morning and fortunately or unfortunately for me, I'll be resuming in a new school today which I have a bad feeling about.
" What's the name of the school again sef" I asked myself whilst walking to my floor length mirror to check the name imprinted on the breast pocket of my blazer. The uniform did fit me though, at least it was better than my former school uniform which always made me look like a reverend sister.

"Marksville Academy" I said loudly to myself. I was so sure that this school would be nothing compared to "Precious Models Girls Academy" my former school.

Mum and Dad's divorce was really going to take a toll on me . I quickly stopped myself before I started thinking about my family's problem again as I had spent the whole weekend doing. All I want to do now is to go to school, read and prepare well for my forthcoming SSCE examination. So I can leave this house and go to the university.

    Our house used to be a bit lively on Monday morningslike this, as mom and dad would be preparing to go to work and my nanny "Mama Grace" as she was fondly called would also be running up and down the house to prepare breakfast and help my parents and I prepare for work and school.    I used to love the Monday morning rush until that fateful Monday.

         "Nimi come down for breakfast" Mama Grace yelled from the dining. " Yes Mama" I yelled back while smiling and knotting my tie in front of the mirror.

         I grabbed my schoolbag and my keys from my vanity table and made my way downstairs to the dining. The dining was unusually empty, with just my breakfast of toast and tea sitting pretty on the table. I dropped my bag on the chair and made my way to the kitchen where I knew Mama Grace would be.
        "Good morning Mama Grace" I said smiling. She looked up from the beans she was picking and smiled back
          " Nnam good morning, how are you"  she asked I quickly answered her wanting to get down to my reason for coming to the kitchen. " Mama Grace, have you seen my parents this morning or have they left as usual" I asked worriedly.

     " They are in their room upstairs, they should be out soon" she answered avoiding my eyes. I left the kitchen for the dining not wanting to bother her, when I heard a scream from my mom's room. I ran upstairs and stood at the front of their room not daring to knock or go in. " Joseph I am getting a divorce and that's final" i heard my mom say.
                     "A divorce" " how" "why", were the questions tions that kept ringing in my head. I felt the need to throw up so I ran to my room to empty my empty bowels.
             And now, here I am facing the consequences of my parents actions, I just really hope it won't be so bad. As usual I grab my keys and my schoolbag and head downstairs for breakfast, this time with no parents.
         Dad was gone and mom since the divorce has refused to show her face on the dining table. So it's left with just me and Mama Grace who tries to act happily around me although I can see through her facade that she was also affected by this new development.

    I chug down my tea, ignoring the toast that accompanied it while mouthing a thank you to mama Grace as I made my way outside where clement the new driver was waiting to take me to school.
   So here's the prologue, it's not so great yet but it promises to be exciting as it unfolds.
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Loves 😘

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