Prolouge - The Wild Card

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A casino.

Not the place you would expect a child to spend much if any time in at all.

But Koji had no choice.

His parents had gained a title in Japan as famous gamblers. They seemed to never run out of luck, atleast that is what everyone else thought.

Koji though, he knew the truth. His parents were special.

Everytime they played, he could sense a energy around their hands, and later on their cards:

He never knew more about it, until they themselves taught him.

"This is yours, Koji." His dad smiled as he handed Koji his own specialized deck of cards.

"With these, any gambling dream of yours will come true." His mom explained.

"Why are you giving this to me...." Koji, only 14 years old, asked.

His parents looked at eachother. "Were going to take a very very dangerous gamble. Our prior line of work has asked for us to help in Shinjuku..." his dad sighed.

"We know your smart enough to figure the rest out on your own...just....promise us youll never become a sorcerer." His mom wiped tears in her eyes.

Koji was confused, but nodded. "Ok...when will you be back?"

His parents stayed silent, taking turns to hug the boy before they departed.

Koji was confused. They didnt even take any bags or clothes. Knowing his parents, they always overpacked everywhere.

He shrugged it off. They were always gambling so he didnt think anything of it.

A knock at the door? It had been a whole day since his parents last....

As he opened it, he saw a familiar face.

Ichiji. His parents never introduced him to any of their friends, but Ichiji had babysat him many times.

"Hey kiddo...listen...your mom and dad left a while ago, right?" Ichiji sighed.

Koji nodded. "They said something about a 'dangerous gamble'"

Ichiji removed his glasses as he wiped his eyes.

"A dangerous Gamble it cost them their liv- I mean." Ichiji quickly shut himself off from talking.

"Lives?....So they arent normal gamblers as I thought." Koji looked down. "They always told me we lived off of gambling, but in a casino they seemed average. Not to mention they would take periods off away from home to go "gambling"....did...did they die from something related to "sorcerers?"

"How did you know-" Ichiji eyes widened in shock.

Koji sighed. "I thought so." He pulled the pack of cards out of his pocket. "They left me with this...which I can feel isnt normal."

As he opened it, the cards spilt out, but as Koji reached out for them they flew back into his hand in a neat stack.

"Its as if they are apart of my soul." He said.

Wild Card - JJk x Male Oc InsertWhere stories live. Discover now