Chapter 15

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"What happened?" came a demanding voice while the friends sat in the hospital wing, Ron laying asleep in the bed with a bandage on his head. They all spoke over one another until a new voice came and another two people walked in "I believe i know what happened Severus." "Then please Albus. Do tell." "Mr. Weasley had a bit of Chess trouble didn't he?" the three looked down while Snape glared "I do not understand what you mean. That did not come from chess and since they all came together it means they were OUT of their dorms after hours." the last part he glared at them.

Dumbledore smiled holding out his hand to Harry "May i please have it back now Mr. potter?" "But sir-" "You may explain it all once you hand it over." Harry hesitated earning a glare form Snape "Give what you have Harry." reluctantly he handed over the gem making McGonagall gasp and Snape's eyes widen "You insolent children! What were you thinking?!" scolded the dark man. "We wanted to help." argued Draco "Why don't you start from the beginning." suggested the Headmaster and they did.

"You mean to tell me that the Dark Lord is possessing a teacher at this moment and you haven't told anybody?" demanded McGonagall "We were going to. Once he had his body back." said Hermione "I thought you were smart." Hermione looked absolutely offended by that statement "Why don't i get Quirinus and Severus you take harry to my office. The rest of you stay here with Minerva and watch over Mr. Weasley." said Dumbledore.

The walk was silent until broken by Snape "Is this why you've been avoiding me these past few weeks?" "Avoiding? I didn't-oh. I'm sorry. i just wanted to help." "Harry you do know what this man has done right? He killed your parents." Harry nodded rubbing his arm "I know. I also know he feels really bad about it and is willing to do anything to fix it. He looked at me hat way you did when we first met, only way more guilt." Snape sighed with a small smile before ruffling the boys hair "You have a big heart child. I hope it stays that way forever." Harry smiled at the praise. "I really am sorry if i hurt your feelings." "It's alright child. We have all summer to spend time together." Harry grinned "Yea, we do." "Come here." Harry giggled as Snape picked him up entering the Headmasters office. Quirrell/Tom and Dumbledore stood waiting.

"Hello boys! Lets get started why don't we?" said Dumbledore as they entered. "Started? On what?" asked Snape glaring daggers at the third man. "Why the ritual of course." said the headmaster happily. "Actually, um, the ritual is just a few words. Not that hard." said Quirrell/Tom sheepishly. "Oh, well then here you go." "Are you serious Albus!" "Why would i not be Severus?" "He-He--How can-you just-You" he couldn't seem form a sentence in rage. "I really am sorry Sev." said Quirrell/Tom regretfully. "No. Don't even try." "If you would let me explain-" "I don't want an explanation!" their argument was drowned out by small sobs from Severus arm.

Sending Quirrell/Tom one more glare Severus turned to Harry "Harry you alright?" "Why *hicup* are you y*hicup*yelling?" "It's not your fault Harry. Just a ...disagreement." "So you're ok with me helping Tom *hicup*?" reluctantly the man nodded "It's all ok." " Excellent! Now why don't you go ahead Tom?" said Dumbledore winking at Harry who smiled.

Enclosing the stone in his hand, Quirrell/Tom closed his eyes " Munda me, et sana me." he recited before a bright red light shined causing Eveyrone to clutch close their eyes. When the light dimmed they opened them to see to figures. One was Quirrell with a tired smile before he collapsed onto the couch. The other was a fifteen year old boy with chocolate brown hair, blue eyes, a chiseled figure and sharp features. "What the bloody hell happened?" asked the teenager. Dumbledore smiled "It seems when you asked to be cleansed the stone put you into the latest state your body was pure in." "Oh. I made the horcrux at sixteen, which is when i got tainted. So, I'm fifteen right now?" "Precisely my boy." 

"What about the prophecy?" asked Snape worriedly. "It states that Harry will defeat the Dark Lord and he has. The Dark Lord is gone and Tom Riddle is back. I say it's completed." everyone relaxed at the news and Tom shifted on his feet "Headmaster I'm sorry." he apologized looking down. He felt a tap on his head "I know you are my boy and you are forgiven. I believe Morphin Gaunt had a missing cousin that just got found. Shall we go tell the Goblins?" Tom grinned "Yes sir." "Well then we shall be off. I sent Quirinus to the hospital already. Take young Harry to bed Severus. It's been a long night." he said as he apparated away with Tom.

Severus rolled his eyes and took Harry to his quarters. He took a seat next to Harry  on the couch. "Harry. I wanted to make sure that you're ok with staying with me." stated Severus seriously. Harry smiled and nodded "I am. I don't want anyone else. I want you. I-I love you dad." he said shyly. Severus felt his heart warm and he smiled softly picking Harry into his arms "I love you to son. So much. I promise to protect you."


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