Chapter 14

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"M-Mr. P-Potter?" asked Quirrell opening the door. Harry tried catching his breath before stumbling into the class and closing the door. He turned back to his Professor and tilted his head "How does it work?" he asked curiously. Quirrell seemed confused "P-Pard-don m-me?" "When a spirit possess someone how does it work? Am i talking to my Professor or Lord Voldemort?" the man froze before his eyes flashed red and his face became sterner. "How did you figure it out?" . harry smiled "SO that's how. It took a while but i dreamt of the night you killed my parents and pieced things together basically." Harry noted the grief and regret flow through the mans eyes "For that night Potter i would like to apologise." Harry huffed "Apologise? What for? Killing my parents? Taking away my family? Making it so i grow up in an abusive household? What could you possibly have to apologise for huh?" he sassed. With each word the older man flinched back. 

"I know this does nothing to ease your pain but i didn't know what i was doing. i wasn't in my right mind. When i was young i was ambitious to the extreme. Which lead me to doing many things. Including a dark ritual that split my soul. Each time i performed the ritual some of my sanity slipped. I performed it six times before that night. I was insane and scared and i-i acted. After the curse rebounded i was a spirit allowing me to regain some sanity. I met Quirrell and he offered to help me since he was dying and with me inside him he could live longer." harry listened and although he was angry he understood the man regretted his actions and was sincere. That's all he wanted "Ok. So why are you here?" "Inside the castle is the Philosopher Stone. I need it for like five minutes so i can perform a short ritual that will give me my body and all soul pieces back." "Philosopher Stone? I read about that. Nicolas Flamel was a great man. I think it's on the third floor probably being guarded. Why didn't you just go to Dumbledore?"

 "I regret what i did immensely. I know i disappointed him. i want to be full again before speaking to him. I honestly hate the face he makes when he's disappointed in me." remembering the feeling of Snape's face harry nodded in understanding "Ok, I'll help you." "you will?" "Yea." "Thank you Potter." "You're welcome.." "Tom. Voldemort's a stupid name. My name is Tom." Harry grinned "You're welcome Tom."

 "So what was this afternoon about Harry?" asked Hermione while they sat in the library just before dinner. making sure no one listened in harry told all about what happened after he ran away. Ron's was red and about to burst before Draco closed his mouth paler than usual "Hermione." "On it." she cast a privacy bubble before nodding to Draco who let Ron go "You know who is possessing our DADA teacher?!" Harry gave him a look "That's what you took from my story?" "It's the only relevant information! Are you crazy! Do you need to go to the nurse!? Why would you confront him knowing all of this?!" "i agree with Ron harry. It could have gone differently and you could have been hurt." said Hermione "I agree too. But whats done is done. So...what do you need from us?" asked Draco. Harrys eyes widened "Seriously? No yelling? Calling me dumb?"

 "No. You got all the information  before confronting him. I admit you should have told us but we cant change the past. you plan on helping him, and we plan on helping you." "Really?" "Of course Harry. We're your friends." said Hermione "Stupid plan. I'm in." said Ron smiling. "We just need to get the stone. He said there's a Cerberus to get past first" "Some music should put it to sleep." said Hermione "Ok, then he said a troll." "I know a spell to knock it out." said Draco "Then he said something about giant wizards chess." "I'm amazing at that." said Ron "And then a riddle to do with potions. I think i can do that. He said he couldn't get past that so he didn't know anything else." "We should be able to work with that. When are we doing this?" asked Hermione "You guys don't mind staying this holiday do you?" "We planned on it." grinned Draco. "Thanks. You're the best." "We know." laughed Ron.

The first week of holidays the four friends were busy planning their mission. None were ever seen without the other and all of them were barely seen anywhere. Snape started getting worried since harry never seemed to come over or speak to him. Holidays started and he barely saw Harry. He admittingly missed the boy and was scared that harry had changed his mind about choosing him as a Guardian.

Walking to his rooms someone bumped into him. He looked down "Harry? Why are you running? Never mind i was wondering if-" Snape got cut off by the boy "not right now sir. I have to go." "But-" the child moved past him "Sorry dad love you." he called over his shoulder sprinting off. Standing in shock Snape walked to his room on autopilot. 

"harry you're late." accused Hermione "Sorry, forgot to take off my uniform." he apologised "Never mind that now. Eveyrone ready?" the three boys nodded "let's go." Draco opened the door and they came face to face with a Cerberus but a quick charm from Hermione and the three headed dog was asleep. Through the trap door and devil snare they came upon a troll. Draco handled that. Another door and they had a match of wizards chess. Ron handled it making him unconscious. Draco stayed behind looking after him. The riddle with the potion was easy with Hermione and Harry working together. The last task was flying to catch a key which again easy with Hermione's observation skills. They both made it to a big room with a mirror.

 "I show not your face but your heart's desire" read Harry "That's what it says backwords." "i read about this. it's the legendary mirror of Erised. What do you see Harry?" he stepped forward and stared as his reflection changed "i see myself, with what looks like my parents, and two other men in a corner while i smile in Professor Snape's arms. We're all laughing together." Hermione offered her friends a sad smile "It's ok." "Wait, it's changing. I see myself holding the stone! And putting it in my pocket?" suddenly his pocket felt heavy. Digging inside he gasped as he pulled out a ruby red stone. "That's the philosopher Stone! We did it harry!" exclaimed Hermione and they celebrated hugging one another. "We should get Ron to the medical wing." he said and they ran off.

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