Chapter 24

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Third Person's POV

Carl, Yuya, and the others are now gathered together with Declan standing in front of them and David standing next to the gray hair male.

David was the first to decide to start the conversation "I'm for sure a lot of you guys have a questions, I can answer some of them and some others Declan can answer, to start off, Celina, Ace can you two come up here for a moment, please" he said as the mentioned walk up to David "I will like to reintroduce myself, My name is David...and these are my friend, Celina" he said pointing at Celina "and Ace" he continued pointing at Ace "the three of us are from the Fusion Dimension" David confessed making everyone minus Declan, Ace, and Celina look at David with shock even Melo and Carl since they didn't knew about this "and before any of you jump to the conclusion, about us being spies, we're not, and we can assure you" he said as Ace glares at Sylvio.

"W-Why are you glaring at me for!?" the brunette boy asked being intimidated by the cyan and fuchsia hair male's glare.

"Because out of everyone here, Sylvio, you're the most likely to assume such thing before they could even explain why they're against them, which if you ever thinking of interrogate her out of nowhere, none of us should be surprised" Carl explained.

"True" Ace and Melo agreed speaking at the same time.

Sylvio pouted and looked away while crossing his arms and some of the others like Gong, Yuya, and Aura were struggling to hold back their laughter while the others were simply silently smirking/giggling.

'He would' they thought.

"Now for the next question, why is Celina wearing Yuzu's Clothes...I think Celina can explained it better's obvious" David then said making Celina nod at her starry eye friend.

"Like David said, the duelists that some of us saw David and Ace taking down were members of Obelisk force, they were sent to hunt me, well in this case us down and take us back to the fusion dimension" She explained pointing at both herself and Ace "and as for the outfit, she wanted me to have a chance to meet Shay, Yuzu told me about how duel academy had attacked innocent Xyzians, but I couldn't believe her, so she offered me to act as a decoy, so I can find Shay and hear his side of the story, to see if what she has told me about was true" Celina explained.

"So that means..." Yuya looked down with sadness, Carl sees this and brings Yuya in a hug, Yuya felt his eyes tearing up before hugging Carl back tightly "Yuzu... She was like a twin sister I didn't know I had" he said to Carl who kisses the top of the shorter male's head.

"I still don't get it what with this Lancer shit all about?" Yuto then asked.

Declan looks at Yuto "I'm simply trying to save our world, Yuto, once I realize that there were fusion dimension warriors trying to infiltrate our home, I needed to find a way to confront them without causing a panic" he explained as David nodded.

"That's the real reason, for the battle royal's occurrence but there were some holes appearing in the process if it weren't for those who aren't part of the championship getting involve Ace and I would be in a very tight situation" the blonde explained.

"So, you used them!?" Yuto angrily asked.

Melo place a hand on Yuto's shoulder "easy, Yuto; don't jump to that conclusion" he then said.

"I only used the resources available to me, by repulsing the fusion warriors you proof your strength today, but defending our world isn't good enough, we have to take the battle to the fusion dimension, I understand that is too much to asked, but I'm asking you to help us preventing our world fall the same fate as the Xyz dimension" Declan then said making the Xyz trio frown in anger/sadness.

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