*scene 19*

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"Attack those federation starships! Quickly!" Obi-wan yelled over the loud engine of the ship and the sound of lightsabers igniting.

Rae nodded as she walked over to the controls of the ship and blasted the federation starships before walking back over to the others.

"Okay. I'm gonna jump." Rae nodded, moving towards the edge of the ship.

"What?! Are you crazy? Jumping into a sea of droids and Jedi's is a death wish!" Anakin held her back quickly.

"I will do what I must." Rae winked before jumping.

"Rae!" Anakin called before she landed next to Windu.

"Fancy meeting you here." Rae smiled as her lightsaber lit up.

"I should've known you would jump." Windu rolled his eyes as he fought off some droids.

"I wanted to help." Rae shrugged fighting off her own group of droids.


"We have to take cover!" Windu shouted, Rae looked around before spotting and empty ship.

Quickly climbing into it, she took off after Dooku who was speeding around in front of her.

Dooku looked back at her before speeding up, Rae took her chance to staff shooting at him but missed before she got knocked off her ship and she was blinded by fog as she laid in the dusty sand, coughing and struggling to move.

Once Rae gained the strength to stand back up again, she spotted Anakin's ship fly into the a cave, curiously she ran after it making it inside the cave just before the large metal door shut allowing her to hide in the shadows.

"You're gonna pay for all the Jedi that you killed today, Dooku." Anakin spoke bitterly.

"Oh yeah? Is that including your little friend Rae?" Dooku teased making Anakin tense thinking that Rae was dead.

"We'll take him together. Go in slowly on the left—" obi-wan started to make a plan.

"I'm taking him now!" Anakin cut him off angrily running towards Dooku but Dooku zapped Anakin with electricity and threw him up against the wall making Rae gasp quietly.

"As you see, my jedi powers are far behind yours." Dooku smirked as obi-wan raised his lightsaber, "now...back down." Dooku went to zap obi-wan but he was blocked when Rae ran in front of obi-wan and held up her lightsaber to block the electricity.

"I don't think so." Rae smirked as Dookus eyes widened, "you know, you should really think before you do." Rae shrugged before nodding towards Obi-wan and they both launched themselves at Dooku.

"You disappoint me." Dooku pouted, "Yoda holds you both in such high esteem." Obi-wan grunted as he stabbed his lightsaber towards Dookus stomach but missed by a centimetre, "surely you can do better." Dooku teased slicing into Obi-wan's leg.

Rae glared at Dooku before attempting to jab her lightsaber into his stomach but missing. Dooku went to slice her leg as well but before his lightsaber could touch her Dooku turned around quickly knocking the lightsaber out of Anakin's hands.

"Brave of you, boy." Dooku spoke, "trying to save someone you love. But I would've thought you had learned your lesson by now."

"I am a slow learner." Anakin glared at Dooku.

"Anakin!" Rae called out throwing hers and obi-sans lightsabers to Anakin.

Anakin winked at Rae as a thank you before he attacked Dooku with his two lightsabers as Rae ran over to Obi-wan to make sure he was okay.

It wasn't until the lights started to flicker that Rae turned around to see what was happening, Dooku and Anakin were still fighting but Anakin had lost one lightsaber and accidentally cut a cable which made the lights flicker.

Rae let out a scream as she watched Dooku cut Anakin's arm off and use the force to push him towards Obi-wan.

Rae sobbed as Anakin laid lifeless. Rae looked up at Dooku in disbelief with tears in her eyes.

"You're a monster." Rae grumbled as someone else walked in.

"Master Yoda." Dooku greeted kindly.

"Count Dooku." Yoda nodded towards him as a greeting as Rae turned her attention back to Anakin and Obi-wan.

"You have interfered with our affairs for the last time." Dooku mumbled before launching a rocket towards Yoda which he easily stopped with the force.

"Powerful you have become, Dooku." Yoda complimented, "the dark side i sense in you."

"I've become more powerful than any Jedi." Dooku stated proudly, "even you."

"Much to learn you still have." Yoda shrugged.

"It is obvious that this contest cannot be decided by our knowledge of the force...by by our skills with a lightsaber." Dooku ignited his lightsaber, Yoda mirroring his actions before they began to fight.

"Master Yoda!" Rae called out as she spotted a large rocket about to fall on the boys.

Yoda used the force to stop it as Dooku escaped on his ship.

Rae sighed in relief as the fight came to an end and the boys woke up, she sighed again when spotted noticed Anakin open his eyes before she engulfed him into a hug.

"I thought you were dead." Anakin sighed in relief.

"I thought you were better at fighting." Rae laughed jokingly.


A small wedding was all they needed. They wanted nothing more, just each others company and no one telling them that they couldn't be together because they were both Jedi's.

No one else was there, just Obi-wan, Anakin and Rae.

Rae reached for Anakin's now metal hand before the happy couple shared a kiss.

A kiss they hoped would last forever.

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