Chapter 71 - She saved him

Start from the beginning

"May I ask who you are and what you're doing here?!" I hissed, and he immediately backed up.
"I-I am Dr. M-Murray..." he replied. I raised a brow and released a sarcastic giggle.
"Oh yea? Is that so? Then you've already done enough. Turn those motherfucking heels and leave, now! There's the exit! Move." I said, and he immediately did as I said. Jermaine approached me shortly after...
"Jade, calm down..." he sighed.
"Don't tell me to calm the fuck down! Where is he? What did the Doctors say?" I asked while placing my hands on my hips.
"T-they still h-haven't said anything... he's in there." Katherine replied and pointed at the door in front of her. I took a deep breath and walked closer to that damn door, knocking a few times ...

After a couple of minutes it swung open, revealing an elder looking Doctor.

"I'm Mr. Jackson's wife, I just got the News. May I ask what's wrong?" I asked in a shaky voice, tears threatening to fall down. He sighed and stepped out, closing the door behind him.
"Mrs. Jackson... you're husband is suffering from a Propofol Intoxication and is in a coma right now. We're doing everything possible." he replied in a calm tone, leaving me speechless.
"M-May I see him p-please?" I asked, he looked over at Katherine and Joseph and they nodded.
"Sure... follow me." he replied and opened the door, leading me into the examination room.

Michael was there... lying senseless in a Hospital stretcher, tubes into his nose and an IV in his arm.

"He had some difficulties with breathing, that's why the tubes into his nose. He also had a cardiac arrest but fortunately the paramedics saved him just in time..." the Doctor said as he walked me closer to Michael. I couldn't hold back anymore... I burst out in tears.
"W-will h-he ever w-wake up... again?" I asked in between the sobs, the Doctor sighed.
"We don't know." he replied honestly. The honest and hurtful truth.
"C-can I have a moment ... alone with my husband?" I asked while looking over into the Doctor's eyes.
"Of course m'am." he replied giving me a nod, and signed the nurses to follow him outside.

Once the door was closed, I carefully sat down onto the stretcher next to his cold and senseless body. Then I gently grabbed his hand and softly stroke his knuckles...
My gaze slowly drifted up to his face... that beautiful face of his.

"B-baby? My love? I-It's me... wake up..." I whispered softly, as tears kept streaming down my cheeks. "It's okay... you'll be fine. I'm right here with you. Wake up, I have some good news for you." I added and gently placed his hand on my lower stomach. "I'm pregnant, Michael. I'm pregnant. You can't leave us now..." I choked.

*𝙼𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚎𝚕'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅*

Everything was still black... I couldn't see anything. But I could hear a faint and familiar female voice, far far away. It almost seemed like Jade's voice.
She was crying... why was she crying? And why can't I see her?

What happened? Where am I?

"It's okay... you'll be fine. I'm right here with you. Wake up, I have some good news for you." she choked.

Wake up? Why should I? Am I asleep? If so, why can't I wake up?

"I'm pregnant, Michael. I'm pregnant. You can't leave us now..." she choked again.

SHE'S PREGNANT? Why should I leave her? I would never!
I tried hard to wake up and to call out her name, but it seemed like nothing was happening.
Suddenly I heard a male voice cooing her... it sounds like... Jermaine? Why is he here? Where are we?

"C'mon, Jade... let's get out of here. How about a cup of coffee and some fresh air?" he cooed,
"No... I-I can't..." she replied. Of course not! She's pregnant!
"Why not? You could need it..." he insisted,
"I can't Jermaine! Please leave us alone!" she cried.

I tried again with the little lack of energy that I still felt, to wake up and call out her name. Then I heard her gasp...

"Michael? My love, can you hear me?!" she said. This time her voice wasn't that far away anymore.
"J-Jade..." I mumbled very faintly.
"Oh God! Call the Doctor! Hurry!" she yelled to Jermaine. Finally my eyes flickered open and some dim lights flashed right onto my eyes. Once I adjusted my eyes to that light I looked around and noticed that I was laying in a hospital stretcher... I looked next to me and noticed Jade's face covered in tears.
"You're awake? Oh, thank you Lord! Oh God!" she said and leaned her forehead against mine.
"Jade?" I whispered in a faint and raspy voice, "y-you're pregnant?" I added. Her eyes grew wide and a smile found its way on her face.
"Yes... you heard me?" she whispered before biting her quivering bottom lip, I flashed her a weak and tired smile.
"Yes ... you're pregnant..." I whispered and smiled wider.
"We're pregnant, baby!" she repeated and pecked my lips.

Once the Doctor visited me, and confirmed that I was doing well, they escorted me in a private room. That's when Jermaine told me what happened... Jade ended up announcing the pregnancy to my parents who were also here.
The Doctor found out and offered her an ultrasound just to confirm the test... and she was indeed pregnant!

We're going to have our fifth child. And she saved my life...
I will forever be grateful to her for that. Without her... I would have never gotten to meet our baby nine months after.

I meant it when I said that I was going to love her, for all time.

After a couple of days and more exams, I got escorted back home and Jade took very good care of me.
I was doing more than amazing, and we kept living as a happy family.
There is nothing more that I could've wished in this life... thank you, Lord.


THE END!!! God... this chapter was really... hard to make and emotional.
I wish it could've been reality...

I really hope you enjoyed this book as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Make sure to stay tuned about more novels about Michael!
Until then... may God bless you all.
I love you!


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