The sealed flames

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Yukio: I had no idea our fathers new each other that's how dad got his hands on the koma sword

Shura: don't stop now keep reading

Yukio: uhh right

Kenji: well I'm starting to get a bad feeling from this

Rin: we still don't know what kind of favour he wants from me no yet then what are you waiting for keep going

Yukio keeps going

It's suguro's dad describing the koma sword apparently the man that drafted the impure king did it by summoning the fire demon karura and bound it to the sword and defeated the impure king using its flames the sword was then handed down from generation to generation, the kept the right eye sealed away then father fujimoto showed up his very prescience seemed to poke fun at their precautions

Father fujimoto causally steals the sword but quickly falls down because he was injured as hell

The monks healed him up

But he woke up annoyed and said they should've left him there

He then tried to smoke but suguro's dad broke the cigarette but too his a note annoyance

Suguro's dad then asked him about the Koma sword apparently their dad was ordered to kill a kid with the sword he was then told to get lost once he was healed

Apparently the sword was hidden away so fujimoto just asked causally where it was hidden

He then tricked him and ran away and found a ton of humans suffering from a terrible disease

He then ran in called in bullshit interrupted the praying he told them they where cowards posing as saints

He then basically said he try and save them and told them what to bring to heal them

And he does just that and he heals them without any effort at all

He even saved Toriko and Bon before he was even born

The dad then once again asked for the sword saying he was "entitled too it now"

Suguro's dad took him aside and got annoyed saying I thought you where a good person

Fujimoto then called him a sucker and he walked off to find the sword

He was then attacked by the other monks and he made a break for it because apparently anyone who finds out about their secrets has too be killed

Suguro's dad whose name they found out was tatsuma decided that moment that he was not protecting anyone just the rules and got the koma sword and gave it to their dad and lead him out of there

Apparently the sword is empty

Tatsuma then held off the other monks while fujimoto got away

They may have met as strangers or maybe even enemies but they parted as friends

A few months after it the blue night happened tatsuma's father made him the high priest and told him the secret of the myota and that secret was truly horrible

It turns out the impure king was never killed all the founder did was subdue it, ripping out and sealing the eyes

Then karura abandoned the koma sword and that is the true history

And if someone where to return the eyes to the impure king

It would be restored

Yukio reading: please rin I'm begging you use the koma sword and despite the impure king I know I'm just a stranger too you and what  I'm asking is beyond crazy but if you have been the tiniest slither of compassion in you like your father had in me I hope youll accept my request thank you for taking the time to read this tatsuma suguro

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