End of term

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Yukio: listen up summer vacation is less than a month and a half away but before that you'll be taking this years exwire authorisation exam I want everyone to keep in mind that once you're promoted to exwire you'll be subjected to more specialised combat training the exam won't be easy to pass therefore starting Monday we're offering a week long boot camp to prepare for the exam

Kenji: hey teach what about me

Yukio: oh simple well you'll be require to come on the boot camp as extra protection against demons and while they are all studying for it you can spend that time training your arse off for your Meister

Kenji cracks his knuckles: awesome!

He gives them all a form to fill out they are supposed to enter there meister or title on it

Rin walks over to Bon: hey could you tell me what a meister is

Bon: huh!

Run: uhh come on help me out here please

Kenji: uhh sometimes it's hard to defend you rin you really don't know what a meister is

Bon: seriously what's with you

Shima: you really are totally clueless aren't you okumara

Rin: fine I don't have a clue so are you going to tell me or what

Knokeomaru: I'll tell you it's a technical qualification that's required for becoming an exorcist it's a title given to those who prove they've got great skills
There are five meisters in all

As long as you've required at least one of those you can become an exorcist

Kenji: you get it now

Rin: yeah. Think I do

Bon: no-one said you two could sit with us

Konekomaru: the other thing is your style of combat will vary depending on what kind of meister you have

Rin: sweet thanks for explaining Konekomaru so which ones are you going for

Konekomaru: well Shima and I are going to try for aria

Rin: aria

Konekomaru: aria is an exorcist that fights demons by reciting passages form the bible and other sacred scriptures

Shima; ban here is going to go for both aria and dragon cause he's all hardcore

Rin: that's our Bon

Kenji: yup that definitely sounds like Bon


Kenji: sure thing Bon

Bon: Grr

Kenji smirks

Little fact about Kenji he absolutely loves getting people annoyed it brings him pleasure but don't worry he doesn't bully it's only teasing

Kenji: actually yukio has two meisters doctor and dragon

Rin: yukio kicks butt I wonder which of those I should go for this dragoon what is it

Bon: my god you are such a pain a dragoon is a meister who fights with firearms and a knight is one that fights with a freaking sword

Shima: see even with all the grumbling Bon can still be helpful

Bon: shut up!

Rin: back up you say sword

Kenji: yeah the meisters who use swords are called knights

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