Chapter 4 : The End Of Summer, And With Old Woes New Wail My Dear Time's Waste

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Two week has passed since that accident at the festival, I haven't been going to library for that entire time nor have I been seeing much of Chisato-san. I asked her to just stay at home for the rest of summer vacation to ensure her safety, plus she's still recovering physically and mentally. We did message each other, asking about certain things and such, but that's it. It's not like I'm already missing our time spent in the library or anything.

And in the blink of an eye, today marks the end of summer holiday. While it does start like any other summer holidays, I did experience some pretty crazy things like spending my time with the most beautiful girl (probably) in our school and fight some guy twice my size for said girl. I'd say that's something your average guy would never even think to happen to them.

This also indicate the start of school term. Students and teachers alike will be returning to the school soon. Well, for me, it doesn't really feel that much different since I did go to the library for pretty much every day, even after the accident, I still went to the library to do some cleaning because I just know that I can't depends on Fukumoto to thoroughly clean the library like I did. But still, I can't help but wonder. Will the relationship between Chisato-san and I stay the same? Or will we drift away and goes to our own path? Or maybe, just maybe, something new could bloom between us... As I thought of this, my eyes begin to became heavy, signaling that they wanted to rest...

Not gonna lie, I do miss this atmosphere. Yes, I do prefer the peace and silence of summer morning, but the chitter-chatter of students commuting to school from home isn't as bad as I thought it would be.

As I was about to enter the school, I saw a familiar figure among a group of girl, chatting away probably to fill in each other with what they have been up to during summer holiday. Her dazzling black hair, illuminated by the morning ray, and the face of an angel that would left everyone wondering; is this heaven? Then, our eyes met. I tried to wave to her, but she quickly ran away, hiding herself. Of course, it's too much for someone like me to even dream of being close to someone like her. As I've said before, we both live in an entirely different universe, and it's gonna stay that way forever.

I entered my class as usual. My seat are located just beside the back door, so I was able to enter and sat at my seat undetected by others. Well, that was what I thought. "Yo, Ameno!" said Fukumoto while slapping my back. "You startled me, I thought I'm gonna drop dead from heart attack" "I'm sorry" said Fukumoto as he walks toward his usual friend group. Well I appreciate that he's greeting me now, it makes me less lonely in this classroom that is full of students.

The bell rang, signaling that it is now lunchtime. As I've always do, I'll just grab a bread from cafeteria and hang around in the library. Well, that was the plan anyways.

"Oiii, Ameno. Someone's looking for you" said one of my classmate who sits by the front door. "Who could that be?" I muttered to myself. When I arrive at the door, I saw Chisato-san waiting outside. I can hear the murmur of my classmates, things like "Is that THE Chisato Sagiri?" "What is she doing in our class?" "Why is she looking for Ameno?". "Umm, do you want to have lunch together?" she said. I can hear some "Ehhhhhhh" "Why him?" "It should've been me, not him!". "Yeah, sure" I said.

After I bought bread for the both of us, I asked Chisato-san, "So where do you want to eat?". "Hmmm, the library's fine" said Chisato-san. "You do know that foods and drink are prohibited in library, right?" I said jokingly, though with a serious tone. "Oh, sorry. I didn't thought of that. Well I kno-" "Nah, I'm just messing with you. We can eat in the library, as long as you promised to clean it up afterwards" after I said this, she immediately punched my arm (which doesn't hurt) and said, "You're a meanie, Ameno-kun" in the cutest way possible, while puffing her already extremely squeezable cheeks. Oh, I'm die. Thank you forever...

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