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"New riders to the back with Hiiro! Old riders to the front with me! But no funny, speed-demon business, all right?!" Nagisa shouted from atop her motorcycle. It was almost comical, such a little girl on such a large bike, but anyone who knew Nagisa knew motorcycles were in her DNA.

"Pfft! You're one to talk!" Tsubaki scoffed beside her, sitting atop her own motorcycle. "Why, just the other day, I caught you doing wheelies up and down the street for like half an hour without pause!"

"Hey! We got little ones this time 'round!" Nagisa snickered. "Gotta be extra safe for them!" She cocked her head at Towa, Miiko, and Hayate. The one thing all three of them had in common was that their interest in motorcycles was born after taking a ride with Nagisa.

"Oh, Nagisa, you really do have a magic, Midas touch for motorcycles, don't you?" Hiiro chuckled fondly and tilted her head, eyes drifting shut.

It's not just Towa, Miiko, and Hayate. None of the rest of RONDO were really into motorcycles either. At least not until...

Now, Nagisa had enough fellow motorcyclists to start her own biker gang of DJs. "Don't get me wrong, solo riding can be a blast! But there's something about riding in a pack... We just gotta try it!"

They also roped Rika into it, the only one who'd been into motorcycles without Nagisa's influence.

"Wait! Since when were you a biker?!" Tsubaki shrieked the first time Rika rolled up with her large, purple motorcycle.

"High school!" Rika replied with a big, cheesy grin to match Nagisa's.

Tsubaki could only look back and forth between her and Nagisa, shaking her head at the same time. They really ARE the same person, aren't they?

"Now, we're gonna need some blockers, so who wants to volunteer?" Nagisa clapped her hands, taking command of the conversation once more. "And for those of you who don't know what blockers are yet, they're the ones who ride ahead to block off any intersections or car-heavy areas so they don't accidentally separate us from one another, or cause any sort of accidents or collisions!"

"Oooh! Oooh! Pick me! Pick me!" Rika jumped up and down, waving both hands in the air. She didn't always like being a blocker because of the stop-and-go nature of it, constantly speeding up to intersections only to break right in the middle of them until the rest of the biker gang passed through, but the silver lining was that she then had an excuse to speed because she had to get to the next intersection before the rest of her gang did.

Towa also volunteered, the most practiced of herself, Miiko and Hayate. While the latter two had only ever ridden with Nagisa, Towa actually had a little experience motorcycling alone thanks to her promotional work for the Cyber Police film. In fact, the bike she rode that day was designed to resemble the "police motorcycle" she rode for the film promotion.

Aoi and Tsubaki also volunteered to be blockers as two of the more experienced riders compared to Miiko and Hayate. That left Nagisa and Hiiro to act as the front and back of the pack, and unlike the quartet of blockers, that was where they would remain for the entire duration of the ride.

"Then last, but certainly not least...!" Nagisa continued with a dramatic, flourishing wave, "Peaky P-key!"

Right at that moment, an ambulance drove up behind the little biker gang, five heads sticking out of it. Kyoko was in the driver's seat, one hand on the steering wheel as she smirked through the front windshield. Shinobu sat beside her, wearing thick, round glasses and a fake mustache, a microphone on the dashboard sitting between her and Kyoko.

"Yuka! That's dangerous!" Esora chided the blonde as she struggled to take photos of everyone, hanging almost halfway out of the vehicle. Even though it was slowing to a stop, they were still moving fairly fast, and once Kyoko reached a complete stop, there was a risk of Yuka being jerked forward by the momentum. But a moment later, Esora stuck her head out the window as well, bringing her little frog-puppet, Esoran, with her.

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