Hidden inventory 2

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"Frankly, I think it's too much for you." Yaga sensei started as we headed out towards our classroom, "but Tengen-sama asked for you specifically. Your mission has two goals. The Star Plasma Vessel is the one compatible with Tengen-sama. You are to escort that girl and erase her."

I stopped on my track in a fusion of confusion and surprise, not a pleasant one at that, "what was that?"

"Escort a brat and erase her?" Satoru asked sharing my feelings as he pushed me from behind gently inside hallway to peak his head out,

"That's right."

"Have he finally gone senile?" Satoru whispered in my ear with a frown,

"I think he's stressed from work." I whispered back,

"It is spring." Suguru said,

"He's probably got his head full
with being the next principal." Satoru said out loud,

"Jokes aside, though—"

"I'll be the one to decide
if I let that off as a joke." Sensei glared at us,

"Is this about renewing Tengen-sama's technique?" Suguru asked,

"What's that?" Satoru asked as other two and me signed in disappointment from his lack of knowledge to which he noticed,

"What?!" He opened the window roughly,

"Tengen-sama possesses the
cursed technique of Immortality," sensei explained, but it is not Eternal Youth." Sensei started to explain as we three took our seats, "It wouldn't be an issue if all he did was get older, but after his body ages to a certain point, the cursed technique begins rewriting his body."

"Evolution." I added.

"He'll cease to be human and become
a higher form of existence." Sensei explained,

"What's wrong with that? Sounds cool." Satoru said,

"Seriously?" I sheepishly smiled,

"According to Tengen-sama, those who reach that state of being have no will," suguru started to add in his own knowledge of the situation, "It means Tengen-sama would cease to be Tengen-sama. All the jujutsu schools, the barriers that form the foundation of jujutsu society, the many barrier techniques of the assistant supervisors...They're all being strengthened by Tengen-sama. Without the aid of his power we could hardly maintain security or clean up after missions." He explained,

"In the worst-case scenario, Tengen-sama could even become
a threat to mankind." I took care of the rest of the lesson, "That's why, every 500 years, he finds the Plasma Star Vessel— someone who is compatible with him— and assimilates them, overwriting the information of their body. By renewing his body, he resets his cursed technique back to the start and avoids Evolution."

"That's right." Suguru replied quite impressed by me,

"I get it." Satoru said, "it would be fine if he turned into MetalGreymon, but we can't have him becoming SkullGreymon."

"So we have him start over from Koromon." I finished for him understanding where he was getting in,

"What? Yeah, sure, that works." Suguru frowned not knowing how he connected it to Digimon and how I connected him connecting it to Digimon,

"The Star Plasma Vessel's location has been leaked. Right now, there are two major groups after the young girl's life." Sensei started to explain our mission as he turned his laptop screen to show us our targets to be aware of, "One is the Curse User Group Q, which seeks to upend jujutsu society
with Tengen-sama's rampage. The other is the Star Religious
Group, also known as the "Time Vessel Association" which worships Tengen-sama as a god. Tengen-sama will assimilate the Star Plasma Vessel two days from now. You are to protect the girl until then and ensure that she reaches Tengen-sama! If you fail, the effects will ripple throughout even normal society! Don't forget that!"

TWISTED CURSE  [SATORU GOJO X OC]Where stories live. Discover now