Chapter 2

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It was Jeff's turn to scrunch up his face. "Swingers?"

"Yeah, I think they're one of those couples who swap spouses for the night."

Jeff rolled his eyes. "I know what a swinger is, but what makes you think that?"

"Bob is wearing a shirt with upside-down pineapples on it."


"Upside-down pineapples are the universal symbol for swingers."

"Maybe he just likes pineapples, or somebody bought him the shirt and didn't know the hidden meaning," Jeff said, throwing his empty plate and cup into a garbage can. "Either way, I doubt they need to proposition random couples on a sunset cruise. Bob makes enough money that he could hire every hooker on the island to come back to his room tonight. That is, if they'd all fit inside and knowing the suite he probably has— they could."

"They're rich?"

"Yes. I bet he had more money than Elon Musk."


"Forget about it. We'd be lucky if they asked us to swap."

"Sure. That'll work out great for you and Mrs. Perky Tits, but even if Bob is rich, he had some serious body odor."

"I didn't notice."

Julie snorted, "You wouldn't. You can't smell anything."

"True. I can't." Jeff had a terrible sense of smell, which was a real bonus when their kids and now the grandkids were in diapers. He pulled his wife into a hug. "But you know me. I have enough trouble pleasing you, so I have absolutely no desire to swap. I swear. We'll keep our distance so we don't give them false hope."

"Deal and I'm holding you to that."

The last of the guests boarded the ship, and the crew untied the vessel from the dock. Pausing between songs, the DJ announced their departure while informing the passengers the party tonight would be legendary. A few people hollered their agreement as Jeff and Julie got in line at the bar for another round of drinks. Jeff considered another plate of food but decided against it. He didn't really need it, and the extra weight was getting harder and harder to lose at his age. With drinks in hand, the pair took a seat on the opposite of the ship from the swingers and enjoyed the view as the captain steered the ship out of port and headed west.

The water was smooth, and there was barely a cloud in the light blue sky. A cool breeze ruffled their hair. It felt nice after the hot day, but it wasn't so cold that they regretted not bringing sweatshirts. They finished their drinks, and Julie pulled Jeff onto the dance floor when the DJ spun one of her favorite tunes. Several other couples were already out there. Bob and Melissa tried to join them, but thankfully, they got the hint when Julie turned her back on them. It didn't take them long to find another couple that would be enticed by their giant hot tub later tonight.

The next hour passed quickly with more dancing and more drinks. Jeff was definitely in the zone, and from all he could tell Julie was too. He thought his chances of getting lucky were one hundred percent with the way she was hanging on him, smiling, giggling, plus the random peck on the lips. The night couldn't have gone more perfect, that was until the fateful time arrived.

The sky had gone from blue to a colorful blend of pink and orange. The DJ stopped the music, so the passengers could enjoy the sun settling on the horizon without a thumping bass. Everyone rushed to the bow of the boat. Jeff and Julie got a nice spot on the rail. Nothing blocked the picturesque view. Julie was right. This was much better than a night spent in a beer-soaked bar. Jeff had seen countless sunsets, but this one ranked in his top ten, for sure.

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