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Jesse's pov
As I walk into the classroom I immediately feel angry when I see a girl picking on my mate out of instinct I immediately go over to defend her as I get closer I hear the girl picking on my mate say

"Listen b!tch don't think I didn't see the way you were looking at the new guy back off he's mine" the girl seethed.

I let out a loud scoff before coming up behind my mate

I could tell my mate was angry and about to say something but I beat her too it.

"Actually I'd much regather have have her then a b!tch like you!" I seethed but immediately calm down as I saw a small glimpse of a smile on my mates face.

"Really you'd choose that disgusting nerd over me"

"I'd choose her over you anyway" I growled I heard my mates heart beat a little faster making me smirk as I go and stand next to her.

"Whatever"the girl replies before storming off.

"You ok?"i ask with concern now turning my attention to my mate.

"Yeah thanks I'm Hayley by the way."She says extending her hand

That's a beautiful name I think to my self before extending my hand to hers

I felt little sparks in my hand as our skin touched

I chuckled when I saw her ever so slightly shiver before shaking her hand
"I'm Jesse...

Hayley's pov
As soon as our hands touched I felt little sparks in my hands making me slightly shiver every thing about him is attractive his looks his smirk just something about him I can't put my finger on

As we both pulled our hands away my hand starts feeling weirdly cold causing me to frown a little

Just then our teacher walks in and yells at us for being up.

As I went too the back too sit where I normally do (alone) I was shocked when Jesse followed and sat right beside me I looked at him kinda weirdly to which he just laughed slightly

I was a little startled when Benny came more like ran into class late I watched as he looked at Jesse then to me what looked like worriedly he made eye contact with a now smirking Jesse but that was soon broken when the teacher started yelling at Benny for being late.

As class went on I kept feeling eyes on me I looked up to see Benny staring at me and Jesse I gave him a WTF look which he just quickly turned back around focusing on the teacher

I heard Jesse laugh beside me which made me slightly smile I don't know what it was but it felt insanely good to hear that laugh...

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Mate<3 Jesse my babysitters a vampire  Slow updates! IM BACK!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora