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Hayley's pov As I walk into my horrible math class I get a lot of disgusted stares from the girls in my class well more than usual

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Hayley's pov
As I walk into my horrible math class I get a lot of disgusted stares from the girls in my class well more than usual...I just ignored them and went to walk to my usual seat but before I could reach my seat Amelia my littoral enemy comes up too me looking pissed
"What is it this time" I ask rolling my eyes.

"Listen b!tch don't think I didn't see how you were looking at the new guy back off he's mine!"she seethed I was about to come up with a sassy response when I felt someone behind me...

"Actually I'd much rather have her than a b!tch like you!" I heard someone say behind me I could feel a smile growing on my face I don't know what it was but it made me so happy to hear those words and that voice.

"Really you'd choose that disgusting nerd over me" Amelia spat I felt rage build up inside me but before I could say anything the guy behind me spoke

"I'd choose her over you any day" he said in almost like a growl which I found weirdly attractive the guys came up beside me and I was kinda shocked to see it was that guy I seen earlier.

"Whatever"Amelia says before storming off

"You ok?"ask the guy now turning his attention on me

"Yeah thinks I'm Hayley by the way" I say extending my hand

He chuckles before shaking my hand "I'm Jesse..."

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