New Possibilities

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I went for a walk inside a part of my mind I haven't visited for a long time.

For years I walked dark and dusty roads while cars honked back at me. Then tonight as the moon grew fat I chanced to discover an old path of mine beyond barking dogs, far from angry SUV's, away from electric lights, beyond everyone's opinion...

Suddenly the ground rose up to greet my feet as an old friend from my childhood. I felt like a six-year-old in the bath tub remembering how to float all on my own!

For the ground as it rose up, did not stop at my feet, but kept going all the way up to the clouds.

Feeling the earth rise up to meet the stars in the night sky... I fell back in time and became immersed again in the world of infinite possibilities we were born to live in.

Because each step was new- nothing ever happened before each foot touched the ground. Because each step was new, this walk was unlike any walk that ever happened before.

No dark deed had been done, not one choice had been lost. I walked long before I met them.

This is how you and I used to walk long before others learned we could carry their burden. Every child knows this walk, and every adult gives them another load until they change it.

But a walk of infinite possibilities can't be changed... It can only be forgotten or left behind!

So I dare you to now remember who you once were, and don't hide behind the excuse you don't remember. 

No matter what you put on your head, your feet long to touch the ground beneath every thought. They wanted to dance, yet your thoughts have put them to sleep.

A burden is not a hat you must wear to a funeral, it is a thought you put on your head right now. Put it down just long enough for your feet to hit the pavement, then go out looking for new possibilities!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2023 ⏰

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