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It is rare that a guest would arrive at the venue hours before the birthday girl does. It is rarer even that a guest of barely seven years old does so with so much enthusiasm and yet, there goes little Ian, wearing a white chef ensemble given to him by Mama Bel, as he hangs out in the kitchen while the staff prepares for Lea's birthday party that afternoon.

Lea is still at home with Tito Javier and Ate Lorna while Mama Bel is already at the restaurant, making sure that everything – from the decorations to the food spread– is as perfect as perfect can possibly be for the little Princess' seventh birthday. She makes it a point to oversee the food prep herself today, and when she mentioned that in passing to the kids a couple of days ago, Ian practically begged to be allowed in the kitchen. It wouldn't have been allowed on a regular dinner service but Mama Bel obviously made a special exception this time around and the way Ian's face lit up the moment he stepped into kitchen is like it is his own birthday instead.

While the chefs and cooks are busy with their respective responsibilities, Mama Bel and Ian occupy a small space where she teaches him simple things like how to Julienne the carrots for the salad entrees. The boy was too excited with the thought of being part of the food prep too that he was practically dragged out by his nanny by the time he had to change for the party.

The afternoon rolled in, Lea arrived, all grins in her puffy white dress, with her Dad and sister in tow. But the first thing she does is not run over the mounting gift piles or check out the gorgeous three tiered cake especially made for her by her Ninang Jessie. No. The first thing she does is make sure her best friend is around just as he promised.

She runs around to look for him, only to find him in her Mama's office, frowning and arms crossed.

"You're here," she exclaims excitedly and his frown is replaced by a grin.

"Happy birthday! I helped prepare your food!" He declares proudly, his irritation from being pulled out of the kitchen long gone by now.

"Really?" Lea asks, curious.

He nods and beams. "Yes! So you have to eat your green salad later," she makes a face because what seven year old is not disgusted by greens– with the exception of Ian who would eat anything her Mama prepares, "because I helped Mama Bel prepare it," he tells her proudly.

She sighs. "Okay. But just konti ha," she relents and a bargain is struck. "Let's go out na! Lots of people are here already!"

She drags him out by his hand and they run along the hallway until they reach the atrium where the tables and balloons are set up.

The party begins. Games are full blown, kids swarming the sweets corner, Lea, as the princess that she is, is greeted here and there by friends while Ian sits beside her, practically standing guard.

It doesn't take long until Mama Bel announces that it's time to blow the cake and Lea is called to the front.

"Tara!" Lea announces and drags Ian with her, refusing to leave him by the table. And so there he is, beside the birthday girl surrounded by family as they all sing a merry happy birthday to the youngest Santiago whose spunk is going to take the world by storm.

Not long after that, they are all ushered back to their seats as food is served. And among everybody who relishes at the first cooking at the Casa, it is Ian who bursts with excitement.

Lea watches him, a bit confused at his show of ecstasy when food is placed in front of him. "Why are you so happy?"

He doesn't remove his eyes off his plate as he answers her. "Because Mama Bel cooked this."

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