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Great Hall





The Great Hall is filled with the laughter of students, as they catch up with each other. But as always, the Gryffindor table is the loudest. It has been like that since the "Marauders" started attending Hogwarts. 

Suddenly, the door of the Great Hall is banged open. One after the other, the Blacks, the Potters, the Malfoys, the Weasleys, Alister Moody, some Aurors and the Minister of Magic enter the big room. Everyone is staring at them in silent confusion. What were they doing here on the first day of school?

Walburga Black glares at Dumbledore: "What is the meaning of this Dumbledore?! Why would you ask all of us here?!"  But the Headmaster himself is confused: "I can assure you that I haven't asked you here, Lady Black." Euphemia, who is standing next to her husband, looks at the Headmaster in distrust: "If it wasn't you, who would have asked us here?" 

As if her words were the trigger, the doors shut behind the newcomers and the entrance disappears, locking all it's occupants in the room. Silence fills the Great Hall. Everyone is too shocked to react. Then a Ravenclaw student turns to the Headmaster: "What just happened?" 

But before the old man can answer, a letter appears in the air above the High table and slowly descends into the hands of Minerva McGonagall. The woman opens the letter and reads it aloud:

"Dear students of Class 1977,

We are from the future and write you in the need of preventing terrible things from happening. In order to achieve this goal, you will have to watch the seven movies that will be appearing on the teacher's desk shortly.
There will be other's joining you and later a few of us will be coming and joining you as well. For the time of the movies the Great Hall will change to accommodate to all your needs: There will be couches, armchairs and beanbags, so please make yourself comfortable as the movies will take a while.
You will not be able to leave the Great Hall until you have finished all the movies, but do not worry, there will be food and snacks and the Great Hall will create Bathrooms and Bedrooms so that you can stay. Do not worry about the time as it will stand still for the time that you are inside the Great Hall. We also suggest that the younger students and those of you that are easily frightened sit next to an older student or someone you feel safe next to.

The future generation."

As she finishes the letter, the room begins to change. Two doors appear on the sides of the room. One has a woman on it, the other a man, clearly indicating that the doors lead to restrooms. The tables and the benches disappear, being replaced by cinema seats. On the sides, there's tables with all kinds of food, snacks and drinks. 

Slowly all of them sit down

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Slowly all of them sit down. The Marauders sit together, with the girls behind them and the Weasley's behind them. Euphemia and Fleamont sit themselves down next to the Marauders.The Malfoys and the Blacks sit together and Regulus and his friends sit down infront of them. That way their families won't be able to see their facial expressions. The Aurors and teachers take their seats in the last row, with a clear view over the entire room. 

Just when everyone has taken their seats, a bright light appears in the front of the room. No one can see what happened, because they were busy shielding their eyes from the bright light, but the older ones raise their wands at the unknown threat. 

Voices break through the silence: "Get off me!" "Ow! Ginny your foot is in my face!" "Wicked" "Who's on top of me?!" "Merlin, you're heavy..."

The light begins to dim and shows teenagers standing at the front of the room. Carefully, they untangle and get up. A girl with blonde-brown locks steps forward upon seeing the wands that are pointed at them: "Please lower your wands. We don't mean any harm." Dumbledore looks at the teenagers: "Who are you?" One of the many red-heads answers his question: "We are from the future-" "and here to show you movies about little Harry's life!" It's quite obvious that the young men who just spoke are twins and the entire Hall turns to their own twins.

Fabian and Gideon take the twins in, wicked grins on their faces: "Well, who could you be?" McGonagall shoots the twins from her time  a look: "I agree with Mr and Mr Prewett. Please introduce yourselves." 

The girl that has spoken first nods: "My name is Hermione Granger. I was in Gryffindor. You wouldn't know my parents as they are muggles." To her great shock that doesn't get a reaction from the Slytherins. Not even Walburga Black or Bellatrix Lestrange react. 

The red-haired girl steps forward next: "Ginny Weasley, youngest Weasley and only girl. I was in Gryffindor as well. My parents are Molly and Arthur Weasley." 

The twins stop next to their sister, putting their arms around her: "Name's George-" "and Fred Weasley" "We were in Gryffindor and" "are the older brothers of little Ginnykinns here" "A pleasure" "We're sure."  Fabian and Gideon laugh loudly at this: "They speak twin!" Molly can be seen groaning into her hands, muttering something about twins and jokesters. 

The last red-head sighs: "My name is Ron Weasley. I was a Gryffindor and am like Ginny, Fred and George, the son of Molly and Arthur Weasley."  Gideon nudges his sister: "You two worked really hard, sis." 

A brown haired boy steps forward next: "My name is Neville Longbottom. I was in Gryffindor and am the son of Alice and Frank Longbottom." Alice goes bright red in the face, Frank not much better himself, as they avoid eye-contact with each other. Even though there's an unmistakable smirk on the boy's face.

The white-haired girl smiles wistfully: "Luna Lovegood. I was in Ravenclaw and my parents are Pandora and Xenophilius Lovegood." Pandora smiles shyly at Xenophilius, who returns the smile tentatively.

The white-haired boy looks around the Great Hall with a bored expression: "Draco Malfoy. Former Slytherin. My sperm donor is Lucius Malfoy and my mother is Narcissa Malfoy." Some eye-brows raise at his use of the word "sperm donor" and Narcissa looks her future son up and down worriedly. Then she side-eyes her husband, who goes pale at her glare. 

Draco takes his place at the front, next to Ginny and, to the shock of almost everyone in the Great Hall, his hand settles on the small of her back. Another boy steps on Ginny's other side, putting a hand over her shoulder as he introduces himself: "Theodore Nott. Former Slytherin. You can all guess who my sperm donor is." 

Finally the last boy steps forward. His shoulder's are hunched as he stands, as if the whole world would weight down on his shoulder's: "My name is Harry Potter. I was in Gryffindor. My parents are James Potter and Lily Potter." James jumps from his seat: "I got Lily-Flower!" The girl herself stares at her son in shock: "I married the toe-rag?!" Euphemia, meanwhile, is staring at her grandson in worry. She sees the pain and exhaustion in his eyes and can't help but worry about what they will see in those movies. Her eyes find her husband, only to see the same worry shining back at her from his eyes. 

Hermione waves her wand and a stack of DVD's appear on the small table at the front. Another wave and the screen lights up. 

Then the future generation takes their seats in the middle row, right behind James' parents. Neville, Ron and Harry sit directly behind them. After them Fred, Hermione and George sit down in the next row. Theo, Ginny and Draco takes the three sets behind them. 

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