"I love you O'pa." Tommy spoke sadly as his tears started to fall.

"I love you both so much." They told the boys as Billy joined the hug. "But I want the two of you to always respect your mom, ok? This is in no way her fault, it's not yours either. This is no one's fault." The two nodded before Wanda stood up behind them. "Now go and wash up for your dinner."

Once the twins were out of the room, Wanda stood over Y/N who looked up at her sadly. Taking her hand in their own as she took a deep breath.

"Where will you go?" She questioned as they smiled at her. Pulling her to sit in their lap for the last time.

"Bucky's for now." They told her honestly. "I have an appointment on Monday to look for an apartment in the area, and then I will get in touch with Jennifer too so we can sort out the divorce."

"Ok." Wanda took a deep breath as Y/N rubbed her leg soothingly.

"You're not going to lose anything." They told her honestly. "I don't want you to lose anything."

"But, you can't afford to keep the house and pay for an apartment." Wanda told them as they shook their head, moving Wanda gently from them before they gestured for her to follow them to the room, heading into the closet and opening the safe. "Is this deeds?" She asked as she looked at the paper with the twins names on it.

"I started to buy it when I got my first pay rise." They confessed. "I wanted to make sure that the twins were looked after no matter whatever happened to us."

"You did this?" Wanda asked them with tears in her eyes.

"I wanted to look after my family, make sure the three of you were looked after." They reached in and took out two bank statements. "Once the final payment on the house was paid, I started to put that money into two different saving accounts. College funds for the twins, I still put the money in the accounts each month." They also handed her another statement and envelope. "And I have been doing the same for you, just in case something happened to me, I wanted you be looked after."

"I don't know what to say." She whispered as Y/N shook their head.

"Don't say anything." They told her. "The card for your bank is in this envelope with the pin."

"Thank you." Wanda whispered as Y/N placed the papers with the twins names on back inside the safe and locked it. "I just."

"It's ok." They told her. "I know I may not have been the best partner for you but, I just wanted you to be looked after. That was all I ever wanted." They kissed her lips one last time as her tears fell from her eyes. "I'll see you next week." With that Y/N had left the house, leaving Wanda who started to sob uncontrollably.

The moment Y/N had made it to Bucky's apartment with their bags, he gave them a sad smile.

"This is for the best Buck." They told him as he patted their shoulder before helping them grab their bags and leading them to the guest room. As he left them alone, they sat on the bed in the darkness. Looking out of the window at the first night they are going to be spending the night away from their family.

The next morning rolled around faster than anticipated, Y/N had got themselves ready for work before finding Bucky already filling two cups of coffee.

"You look like hell." He stated as he handed them the coffee.

"Thanks." They muttered as Bucky observed them with concern in his eyes. "I couldn't sleep." They took a sip of their coffee before looking up at their best friend. "It's just that I don't sleep when I'm away from Wanda and the twins. Even on business trips, I barely get three hours of sleep a night." 

"That's not healthy." Bucky stated.

"They're my family Buck. I went straight from my college dorm when Wanda got pregnant straight to the house." They told him. "I have spent over a decade living with my family and I have screwed that up."

"How did you screw it up?" He asked them as they sighed.

"I didn't work on the marriage." They told him. "I completely took the woman I have loved for most of my life, the woman I still love with every fibre of my being, I took her forgranted. I did that!! Not her. Me."

"You should tell her what you just told me." Bucky told them.

"It won't be any use." They told him. "I think this divorce is still set in stone because my job is quite demanding too."

"Y/N." He spoke softly.

"I can't keep her in a marriage that she isn't happy in." They told him. "I don't want that for her. We can make the co-parenting thing work but that's it." With that they left the apartment and made their way to work.



The first chapter of my short fic. I hope you guys enjoyed it.

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