The Aftermath

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I'm gonna start to try and post a lot more. And I'm thinking of ideas for the Jemma story. This part might be really long idk. Don't worry there won't be any smut in this part just storyline. Hope u enjoy :)

Wednesdays POV:
I pick up Enid and I start to run back to the house. Her breaths are very far apart and shallow. I can hear my mother and father following closely behind me. I burst in through the front door and lay Enid on the couch. "Mother do you have any potions to fix her. Anything please!" "Let me take a quick look. I might have something." I start looking in cupboards looking for bandages. She's already lost a lot of blood. I don't think she'll be ok. "Right. Let's get her to the hospital. Lurch get the car ready." My father says sternly."gsjjsksn" (that is lurches grunt sound) "I've got something to stop the bleeding but nothing to help her heart keep beating and her chest keep rising." "We are going to the hospital. Wednesday you pick Enid up and Morticia you can give her the potion while in the car." I ran over and pick up Enid. She's gone limp and cold. Her breathing getting even slower. "We need to go quickly!!" I shout. I barge past my mother and father and get in the car. " omg could you guys go any fucking slower" I'm met with blank stares from my parents. "Sorry but" I take a deep breath. "I can't lose Enid. She means so much to me" "we know. Lurch step on it." I watch carefully as my mother applies the liquid to each one of Enids cuts. I am intrigued as I watch them immediately scar when the liquid hits them. After 20 minutes we arrive at the hospital. I grab Enid carefully and run out of the car into the hospital. "Help! I need help!" Two doctors run over. "What's happened." "She got attacked by some monster thing. Her cuts have healed but her breathing is still slowing." The doctors nod and they run over to get a bed. They take Enid out of my arms and place her on the bed. I watch as they speedily wheel her away.

*Time Skip about 6 hours*

Still Wednesdays POV:
My mother and father told me to try and sleep. I found this a very silly idea because how could I sleep. The love of my life almost died in my arms. It was my fault. I never should have left her alone. I never should have had that stupid conversation with my mother. How idiotic of me. "Wednesday Addams." A nurse shouts. I get up from my chair and walk over to her. "It's good news. She had to have emergency surgery because there was a lot of internal bleeding but she's awake now. She'll need to stay here a couple of nights to see if the stitches stay in place but you can go and see her now" "thank you." I walk past the nurse and i start to jog when I near Enids room. I open the door and I see her lying there. I've never seen her so pale. There's bags of blood hanging onto a drip going into her arm. "Hey Wends" Enid says tiredly. "Cara mia. How I've missed you so. I'm so sorry." "Why you couldn't have known it was going to happen" "actually. I did. I saw it in my vision. That's what my mother was talking to me about. She has the same vision. I should have never let you out of my sight. Please forgive me" "Wends. It's ok. There's nothing to forgive you for. You haven't done anything. And hey, I'm still here right. I'm still breathing. And that's thanks to you. I love you so much." She pulls me in for a kiss. "I love you so much too". She smiles at me. The door opens and I see My mother walk in. My father follows behind. "Enid! We are so happy your ok. Wednesday we are going to go home to get Enid some pajamas and fresh clothes. Would you like to come?" "No thank you mother. In fact could you bring me some pajamas and clothes. I'm staying with Enid until she's allowed to go home" "Wends you don't have to"
"I want to. Im not letting you out of my sight. What if there are more monsters. You almost died today im not letting it happen again."  I take Enids hand. "Ok very well. We will be back in a few hours" "ok bye." Enid says she wants to go to sleep which is understandable. The nurses bring in a fold out bed and place it next to Enids. I try to go to sleep but I can't. Even though Enid says it wasn't my fault she got attacked, it is. If I had just told her about my vision then she never would have gone off on her own. I will never let Enid out of my sight ever again. I start reading some books that were already in the hospital. They were all disgusting. Hospital romances. I need to text my mother to bring me some real books. Shit. I've not got my phone. I'll ask reception if I can use their phone. "Enid I'll be right back, I'm just going to reception." I whisper. I know she didn't hear me but I don't care. I walk out of the room and walk towards reception. Suddenly all the lights go out. Shit. I run back to the room. "Enid?! Where the fuck are you?!?" I hear some banging coming from the bathroom. I grab the closest thing to me, a book. I make my way toward the bathroom. "Hello!?" "Enid??" "Wends is that you? I can't see anything" "ok calm down." I walk over to the bedside table and start looking through the drawers. Luckily there is a small torch in there. I take a Bobby pin out of my hair and start trying to jimmy the lock open. After a few minutes I manage to get it open. I open the door and shine the torch in the bathroom. I see Enid on the floor. "Cara mia. Are you ok?" "No" Enid sniffles. I walk over to her and sit down next to her. "What's wrong?" I ask while I push the flyaways away from her face. "I got so scared. You weren't here so I got up and I tripped over and I fell into the bathroom. The door locked and then the lights went out. I couldn't see anything." Enid starts to cry. "What do you mean it locked. Did you not lock it?" "No" "shit. Ok we need to stay in here until the lights come back on" "why? What's happening." "I think someone's trying to kill either you or me. The monster that attacked you was Xavier. He's dead. Do you know anyone who would want to get revenge for him?" I ask. There is silence for a few seconds as we both think. "Ajax" we say simultaneously.  Fuck. Enids jealous ex trying to get revenge for his best friend not a good combination. "Wends I'm really tired." "Ok you can sleep on my shoulder if you want. My parents will be back soon probably." Enid falls asleep in a few seconds on my shoulder. She starts slipping so I slowly place her head on my lap. I'm actually hoping my parents come back soon so we can be properly protected. I'm glad Pugsley isn't here. I act like I hate him but he is my second favourite person in the world. After Enid of course. I stay alert waiting for noises of any sort. I keep the torch pointed on the locked bathroom door. We are safe. For now.

Morticias POV:
We are on our way back to the hospital. We brought Wednesday books as well as her and Enids phone. I'm so glad Wednesday has found someone that makes her so happy. Which reminds me I need to give that Esther Sinclair a good talking to. Why would anyone abandon such a beautiful and smart girl like Enid. We arrive at the hospital after about 45 minutes. Gomez very kindly takes the luggage out of the trunk. I take a suitcase and he takes a backpack. Lurch waits in the car. We tell him we won't be long and we start to walk in. That's strange all the lights are out. "Gomez?" "Yes my lovebird" "don't you find it strange that all the lights are out." Suddenly something jumps out of the shadows and pushes Gomez against a wall. "GOMEZ"

Sorry this wasn't that long. Either today or tomorrow I'm gonna post the first Jemma story. Also who's excited for Jenna at Paris Fashion Week. I AM!!!! Anyway. What do you guys think is gonna happen at the hospital. Who attacked Gomez?!? Hope you have the best day/night ever :))))

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