The Monster

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Sorry I've not posted in a while. I've been so tired at the moment. I got 83% and 70% on both my biology tests so both A's which is way better than I thought I would get. I can't believe it's only 4 days until Jenna turns 21 I'm so proud of her and everything she's done. This chapter will have some smut in it, so just a forewarning. Hope you enjoy reading :)

Wednesdays POV:
After the movie finished it was around 5 o'clock and my parents still weren't back. I wasn't expecting them back by this time though so I wasn't too concerned. "Mi Amore?" "Yes wends?" "Do you want dinner. I was thinking lasagna and garlic bread" "oh yes baby that sounds so good. Can I come and watch you make it?" "Yes of course mi amore. Love you" I was not leaving Enid alone after my vision. I wish I had seen who attacked Enid though. It would've given me clues to what will happen. "Love u too wends. I'm going to go to the toilet and I'll meet you in the kitchen" "don't worry Cara mia I'll wait for you. The toilets down that way" I point to the left down the corridor and I watch as Enid happily skips away. I quickly duck back into my room and get a small hatchet out of my chest of weapons. I want to be armed at all times. I'm not letting Enid die. Not today, not ever. I hide the hatchet in the band of my jogging bottoms and under my hoodie. (I don't know if any of you ever do this with your phone. But if you don't, it's not gonna cut Wednesday. The flat edge of the blade is resting above her hip. Idk how to explain it.) I don't want Enid to see i have it because I don't want her to ask. What she doesn't know can't hurt her. I just need to be with her at all times. Suddenly I hear the most bloodcurdling scream come from the bathroom. Shit. I start to run toward the bathroom getting ready to get my hatchet out. Enid bursts out the bathroom. "AHHHHH WENDS THERES A SPIDEERRRR" Enid starts to cry. "Really enid. Let me get it." I give her a death stare before I go into the bathroom and pick up the spider that's in the sink and throw it out the window. "Thanks babe" enid sniffles. "Your welcome please don't scare me like that." "Scare you? Are u ok." "Yeah I'm fine. Sorry" I take Enids hand and we walk down the stairs. I start to get all the ingredients out the fridge. Enid pulls out a chair from the breakfast bar and sits on it. She only just manages because of how tall the stool is. I start to wash the vegetables as I find the tin opener to open the tin of tomatoes. "Do you cook often babe?" "Mmmm I wouldn't say often but I do like to. When we're older and we have our own house I'll cook for you Cara mia." "Awww wends you think about stuff like that." "Of course I do. I want to be with you for the rest of my life" I pause. "If you want to as well. Sorry that was stupid of me to say that. We are young. I shouldn't be thinking about stuff like that" "no wends I think it's really cute. I want to grow old with you and have kids with you" Enid starts to walk towards me. She kisses me and lifts me up so I sit on the counter. "Mmmmf later mi amore." I manage to say through the kiss. Enid groans as she lifts me off the counter. "Dont worry I'll make it worth your time" I say as I wink at her and turn around. "Wends you are so hot." "I know." Enid watches me as I cut up the vegetables, make the sauce and start to layer all the components in the tray. "Cara mia do you want cheesy garlic bread or normal." "Oooooo cheesy please" "anything for you." I start grating the garlic and chopping up parsley. After I'm done I mix butter and the garlic and parsley. I grab a baguette out of the bread cupboard and start cutting it up into medium thick slices. I lather the butter mixture on and I add pre grated mozzarella. I put the lasagna in the oven and set a timer for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes I put the garlic bread in and set another timer for 15 minutes. Me and Enid watch tv while we wait for the food to cook. There's a knock at the door. I slowly get up to get it preparing to attack if I have to. I open the door just a crack so I can see who it is. It's Puglsey. "Hey Pugsley what are you doing here?" "I was just gonna ask mum if I could stay over at Ralph's but I forgot my phone so I came here to ask." "Oh. She's not here but I'm sure it will be fine" "thanks Wednesday. I didn't know you were here" "yeah I arrived today." I shout as he runs up the stairs to get his sleepover stuff. After a few minutes he runs back down tripping and almost falling as he goes. "Hey pugs" Enid shouts. "ENID. I didn't know you were here" "oh yeah I'm here for October break cos my family don't want me" "oh........ well anyway it was nice to see u. I guess I'll see you tomorrow" "Bye!!!!" "Bye Wednesday Bye Enid" I watch as Pugsley runs into a car. Somebody I'm guessing is Ralph's mum waves at me. I stare at her in return. Enid suddenly appears behind me. "Wends. I guess I'll wave for you" Enid excitedly waves back. The timer goes off. "Ahhhhh" "ok so you can wave at strangers who could kidnap you but you get scared at a timer that is literally harmless." I roll my eyes as I close the door, turning of the timer as I walk towards the kitchen. "Shut up" Enid mumbles. I open the oven door and I'm met with hot air. The cheese on both the lasagna and the garlic bread bubbling nicely. "Cara mia could you get me two plates please" "sure" "they're in that cupboard there." I point and watch Enid stand on her tiptoes getting two plates out. "Thank you" I get a metal spatula and I cut up two good size squares of lasagna. I watch the cheese stringing as I lift up the squares and place them on the plates. I give us two slices of garlic bread each. "Where do you want to sit Cara Mia?" "Is the table ok? I don't want to ruin any couches or anything." "Yes that sounds good to me Cara mia." I chuckle. Enid and I eat and talk about all the things we are gonna do in the break. When we are finished I go and put the plates in the sink. " there is still more mi amore if you want anything else" "no thanks wends I'm really full" "ok welllll. My parents will probably be home soon if you still want to continue what we started earli.." I'm cut off as Enid runs up to me and picks me up. She wraps my legs around her waist and she starts kissing me while she maneuvers up the stairs. We reach my room. She closes the door and places me on the bed. She starts to undress herself. I get the hint and I start to do the same. Once all our clothes are strewn all over my room she returns her attention to me.

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