Chapter 1: Pregnancies and Births

Start from the beginning

Oh and we have good news! Remus is finding out the gender of the baby today!

"Prongs we need to make a bet" I ordered

"Alright, what for?" He smirked

"What do you think Little Moonfoot's gender is?"

"I'm going to say....Boy, if I get it right you need to give me 50 galleons"

"I think it's a girl, And if you get it wrong you give me 50 galleons" I smirked

"Deal" we said in unison as we shook hands

Everyone in Hogwarts new about me and Remus being together and that we were having a child. Gay men having a child is frowned upon here, it's quite upsetting, but me and Remy will get through it. Oh and I forgot, James and Lily had a baby boy in July, they named him Harry, he is about 2 months old now, he is very adorable.


Remus found out the gender.....ITS A GIRL HAHAHA prongs has to give me 50 galleons now! Ha! I won the bet!

January 18th 1975, Hogwarts, Remus and Sirius' Room

Sirius' POV:

The old Man, (Dumbledore) let me and emus move into a room together and there is a nursery in it too because YES why NOT. And Remus is expecting any time now I think. He is about 7 months into the pregnancy. In the wizarding world baby's arrive at 7-9 months. I'm excited to be a father. I also hope Little Miss Moonfoot and Harry will be best Mates like me and Prongs.

"Sirius....can you get me some of the food I like, the ones from hogsmead......" Moony said with a tired and pain filled voice

"Of course I can, do you want me to make the food how I usually do?" I asked

"Yes" he quickly spoke

"Alright love, bye" I said as I kissed him on the head.

I apparated to Hogsmead and bought the usual specifics: Pickles, ice cream, chocolate frogs, sardines, carrots and chocolate. Very weird combination if you ask me. It costed me about 15 galleons! That's a lot you know! I apparated back to the room and I made the food.

Sardines at the bottom of the plate, ice cream circling the sardines, pickles on top of the sardines, chocolate frogs in the ice cream and then the other chocolate is on a different plate.

I handed them to my lovely boyfriend and he gobbled them up very quickly. Very adorable.

His transformations have been worse, he has ended up with more scars than usual, he is always in pain too...

February 7th 1975, Hogwarts, Hospital Wing

Remus' POV:

I have been in labour for about 4 hours, the baby won't come out! I have been panicking which isn't helping, I don't know what to do! Madame Pomfrey called someone from the Maternity ward in St Mungo's. Sirius has been sat by my side the whole time, holding my hand and encouraging me. Prongs, Wormtail and Lily are waiting outside with Harry.

"Alright Remus, one more push and the baby should be out" the nurse from St Mungo's Said

I had pushed one more time and....I couldn't hear crying? And all I could smell is blood, a very over powering amount.

"Why isn't she crying?" I spoke with fear

"Don't worry Remus, she's fine look" she showed me my baby who was smiling

"Such a happy child" pomfrey spoke

Madame Pomfrey cleaned her up and wrapped her in an adorable little blanket and put a little hat on her head.
She was an extremely small baby and she was underweight, but she is alright.
She then placed the baby in my arms and I started to cry.

"Why is she so adorable?" I sniffled whilst looking at Sirius

"Because she's half me and half you? I'm handsome and your handsome + adorable" Sirius smirked

"Shut up" I looked back at my baby and kissed her on the head

"My baby!" I said as I held her

"No, she is our baby, Mon Amour"


"Alright Remy, She's your baby!" Sirius said as he put his hands up as if he was surrendering

"Have you picked a name for her?" We were asked

"Well I want her first name to be Rhoda" I said
"Her first middle name will be Siria" Sirius said proudly
"Her second middle name will be Jane" we said in unison
"Her last name will be Lupin-Black" I spoke

"So you want her to be name Rhoda Siria Jane Lupin-Black?" The nurse asked

"Yes" I smiled

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2023 ⏰

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