•True Source of a Human's Power (1)

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3rd person POV

The Daemos followed Johnny in the apartment complex, now standing at the front door of [Y/N] 's and Ava's home they couldn't get the door to open, so Asch used his magic to melt it off since Asch thought it was the most logical thing to do. Moments later the knob finally melted open as they opened the door, Noi clapped at their success "Your highness was that use of magic really necessary?" Rhys questioned as Asch nodded saying "Yes". Johnny stepped inside first "It seems the spirit has allowed us entrance." Rhys spoke, Noi examined the room as he stepped in excitedly "Woah cool!" He spoke in awe as he sat on the kitchen counter. The other daemons entered aswell, Leif and Pierce placed both of the humans on the couch.

Noi hopped off of the counter saying "Woah" he then stood near Johnny who was sitting on the coffee table he then stared at him in awe crouching down abit "Hi spirit" he approached Johnny much more closer "I think this spirit might like me" He said all happily before he touched Johnny's face, Before long that happiness faded and turned into fear as Noi was now screaming for help and was getting chased by a very angry Johnny around the apartment "The spirit has decided Noi must die" Pierce spoke "Good" Asch replied in a dark tone. Noi's screams echoed around the apartment "Noi. Die in silence, the last thing we need you doing is alerting the nearby humans" Rhys scolded "Are we really doing to let Noi die?" Questioned Leif "I mean I'm all for it but-" he got cut off by Rhys "That spirit seems harmless but don't tell Noi that." Noi's cries of terror still echoed through the apartment. Leif then chuckled as he grinned his sharp teeth showing "Hahahah! His humongous suffering brings me joy" "Likewise" Spoke Rhys "Enough. Scout the area" commanded Asch as the Daemos began searching the human's apartment. Leif and Rhys searched their shared washroom as Noi was still busy with Johnny, as Pierce and Asch searched Ava's room trying to search for the human's source of power.

Moments later Ava awoke from her unconscious state, she groaned and sat up from the couch observing her surroundings. She saw [Y/N] still unconscious on the other side of the couch and one of the daemon's figure in her room thankfully his back was turned away so the daemon didn't know she was awake "How the freak did they- We need to get out of here" Ava quickly yet quieter shuffled over to [Y/N] gently yet continuouslyly slapping their face to make them wake up. [Y/N] eyes fluttered open as they saw Ava "What happened?" [Y/N] asked "Those hot demon guys from the alley, they're in our apartment. We need to get out of here" Ava whisper-shouted as [Y/N] nodded. Both got off from the couch and quietly sneak towards the front door but before they took their first few steps Noi, who has laying on the ground under Johnny who was sleepin on top of him noticed the humans and yelled "The humans are trying to escape!".

Now being uncovered [Y/N] grabbed Ava's hand as they bolted for the frontdoor but they were stopped by Leif and Rhys, Leif with a smirk opened his arms and tried to grab [Y/N] but they were quik move back as they run towards the kitchen area instead. Ava quickly grabs a pan as [Y/N] grabbed the nearest item they could use as an item to impose and intimidate their opponent, a very long baguette. [Y/N] held the baguette lik a sword and stood at Ava's side as they got cornered by Leif followed by Noi and Rhys "A weapon!" Leif gasped as Pierce who exited Ava's room with a sword and stood right next to the other Daemos who unveiled their weapons aswell. Leif taking out two sickled, Noi with two daggers and Rhys who wielded a staff "Back off! Or I will- I will hecking scream" Ava threatened. Leif with a smirk spoke "Wouldn't be the first time I made a female human scream~" [Y/N] looked at him with judging eyes and a disgusted facial expression "Leif hold your tongue!" Rhys scolded as Leif furrowed his brows as he realized what he just said "You know what I mean-"

"I thought I dreamed you guys up, But damn I was so wrong. Or maybe I'm just high right now" [Y/N] spoke as he murmured the last part then Ava gave him a little stare and nudged them "They saw us in there sleep?!" Spoke Noi a little bit surprised that sent Rhys in a deep thought "They must have the ability to foresee us coming... humans in this world are powerful" Ava gripped the pan handle more "What are you guys even talking about?!" She yelled. Rhys unwielded his staff "Please we mean you no harm" He spoke in a calm tone "I thought we meant all the harm?" Pierce questioned making Rhys grit his teeth "Asch isn't here" he avoided eye contact , he then ungritted his teeth and made eyecontact again "Please we just need help an-" He was cut off my Ava "I saw you guys do magic stuff" She said her voice still quivered "Are you the devil's servants?!" She questioned "The devil?" Leif was confused "Wait- God is real?" [Y/N] questioned "She means a demon" Rhys spoke which solved Leif's confusion "Ohh." Rhys began explaining began explaining again "Hear me out, we come with peaceful intent to-" Rhys was cut off again by Asch speaking inside Ava's room his voiced echoed outside the room "I've uncovered it." The Daemos looked at his direction as he stepped outside and approached them "Huh?" Rhys spoke his voice laced with confusion "The source of their power" Asch answered "Asch and I found it before but we weren't sure" Pierce explained "What?" Ava and [Y/N] questioned in unison.

With a smug smile Asch pulled out the quote on quote source of their power as he held it up, It was a white bra and a Book - Ava's white bra and [Y/N]'s Food for free book to be specific. Ava immediately turned red and lowered her pan as [Y/N] stayed baffled at what they just witnessed "Woah! What's that?" Noi eyes gleamed in fascination "Those humans are sorcerer's. Rhys here" Asch took out another book - a bra magazine and gave it to Rhys aswell as the Food for free book. Rhys examined the contents of both books, he looked at the magazine first "Fascinating, It seems like a combat guide. It shows human females are engging in a fierce battle with eachother with these very garments" Rhys spoke his eyes widening a bit "That doesn't look like any combat I've seen" Leif stated as Rhys opened the food for free book "And these must be the guide for ingredients to make potions with." Rhys examined the contact of [Y/N]'s foraging book. Ava stopped blushing as she threw her pan at the black haired Daemos hitting him straight on the forehead, she then grabbed [Y/N]'s hand and dragged them while running towards the door screaming "GAAAHH AHHHH!" Ava screamed "Holy crap!-" [Y/N] yelled asthey looked behind them to see Pierce and Noi chasing them. So close to the door yet they were caught, Ava screamed, yelled and struggled to get out of Pierce's hold while [Y/N] just struggled to get out of Noi's hold aswell "Please spare us, Let us go..." [Y/N] tried to guilt trip Noi with his charm but Noi responded by smiling awkwardly and looking away, [Y/N]'s charm got too him but it wasn't enought for him to let go "Let us go please! Ahhhh!! Let us goo!" Ava kept screaming [Y/N] realized they were still gripping on the baguette it was very stale so they smack Noi on the head with it, startling the daemon and letting go of them. "Let go of my sister! Heya!" [Y/N] the swung the baguette at Pierce's arm... Pierce was so buff the very stale baguette broke in half "Ah crap." [Y/N] cursed "Leif grab them and make piece with the humans" Rhys spoke as Leif nodded went over to them.

[Y/N] then had an idea 'If they are willing to stick to this roleplay maybe I can threaten them with the broken baguette' [Y/N] getting this theatrical skills from highschool he began to laugh maniacally holding the broken pieces of bread on his hands, this weird action made Ava stopped shooting as the other Daemos stopped in shock aswell "Ah~ The seal from my full power has been broken! Oh!~ That sweet sweet power into into my veins Hahahaha!! With the power I have I can all easily kill every single on of you~" [Y/N] spoke in such a psychotic tone they went over to Noi and stood behind him, they grazed Noi's throat with the stale bread "If anyone of you values your cute and sweet little companion over here, you best let go of my sister" [Y/N]'s eyes darted towards Pierce who held Ava "-or this little one will have his blood splattered all over the floor~ or maybe every single one of you will have your blood paint this entire domain purple!" [Y/N] laughed maniacally as Noi froze in fear muttering help to his fellow Daemon. Ava caught on with the act and acted aswell "[Y/N] please have mercy on them! They just made a simple mistake by understemating us and trying to harm us" Ava pleaded "My sweet sister~ how sympathetic of you to care for these being's life" [Y/N] pressed the bread more on Noi's throat "Rhys! Do something" Asch yelled, there was terror on every daemon's face "Leif!" Rhys called out as Leif nodded and quickly headed behind [Y/N] at lightning speed "Hah-" [Y/N] said dumbfounded as Leif chopped on [Y/N]'s neck and they feel into an unconscious state again.

((To be continued with part two cause it's soo long))


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