•The Prince's Desire

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2nd person POV.

6 am. The alarm went off, you woke up with a groan as you pressed your alarm clock off. Rolling off of bed, Doing your stretches - It was another regular day for you but it wasn't some other regular day. It was the day of the Convention! Quickly and excitedly getting ready, you took a proper shower and took out your readied cosplay hanging it on your clothing rack.

You did you make-up first and put on some regular clothes since it was too early to put on your cosplay. You then exited your room and started making breakfast for you and your sister, Ava.

A couple of minutes have passed and you have already finished making and serving two plates of eggs and toasts for you both to eat. You noticed that it was already 6:45 and Ava was still not coming out of her room, you remembered that she has an interview at 7:00 yet she still wasn't awake.

Quickly finishing your meal you headed over to her door "Ugh! You stupid freaking jerk cat" She whined from inside 'looks like Johnny got to her first' you taught and chuckled quietly to yourself. "Ava!~ You have an interview at 7" You spoke as you knock on her door "Alright! Alright! Just a minute, someone is calling" She replied back.

6:47. Ava came out of her room still in her Jammies while you were in the kitchen area washing your own dishes, Her phone murmured 'Seems like she was having a call with someone... I mean, duh' you thought. "Yes, I know... I normally sleep in but I got a job interview today" Ava spoke as the phone cut her off again "Well, I just said I got a job interview. I'm not interested into going to an anime convention on such a stressful day" Ava replied "I don't care if [Y/N] is coming or if it's down the street" Ava scoffed "Lorelei, I know I'm boring but you're annoying so we're even" As the phone murmured again, Ava seems to be pretty annoyed now "Nothing, Nothing.. I was uh talking to my cat.... I'm hanging up now byeee~" Ava ended her phone call as you put the dirty dishes away.

"Tick tock Ava~ it's 6:55" you cooed "Ah crap-" Ava went into the shower. You were left with Johnny who dragged his food bowl next to your feet as he looked up at you and meowed 'Aww such a cutie!' You smiled at him then you remembered 'Ah crap I forgot to buy some more yumyums for him yesterday'. You pet the cat and opened the fridge, you then placed a left over pizza slice in his food bowl. Johnny looked up at you, his stare was a bit menacing but he then looked down and started eating the pizza "Haha sorry, Johnny" You nervously laughed. Ava got out from her room with her casual clothes on, she took the toast and quickly ate the eat. The toast on her mouth she quickly headed out for the door.

While washing Ava's dishes moments later she came back "Sorry- Trash- I'm busy" Ava quickly came in got the trash bag and headed out "Hey wait- there's still another o-" The door slammed shut. You sighed as you looked at another garbage can in the apartment almost filled to the brim with trash "Might aswell throw that out when I'm going to the convention. Killing two birds with one stone" You shurgged and headed to your room, putting on your 'Granger' (mlbb... I couldn't think of any other demon Hunters who look twinky) cosplay. You spent 10 minutes putting on your wig and outfit and now you were ready. Getting your card for the con, you exited your room and your apartment before grabbing the trash bag.

You headed into the apartment complex's alleyway off to throw the garbage first. Then voices stopped you from your tracks, some voices can be barely heard but they came from males. You took a few steps closer to hear them but then a voice, familiar and sassy, laced with sarcasm spoke "Oh cruel fate, how could a poor maiden like me be stuck in a tree~ Oh I remember because your stupid muscle bound friend that put me here. Now get me down before I call the cops!" A male voice yelled "Silence!" you rushed over to the scene and saw Ava hanged on a tree by her sweatshirt surrounded by Demon dressed men. Suddenly you couldn't believe it at what your eyes witnessed, The male with black hair, white horns that curled upwards raised his hand and the tree went up into flames which made Ava fell to the ground. "Did you-" Ava said flabbergasted "Did he-" You spoke in the same tone suddenly your protective instinct sparked.

You run infront of Ava and the Demon dressed males "I don't know what type of roleplay you guys are doing nor the magic tricks you just did but she doesn't want to be apart of it! Leave her alone this instant" You yelled as the male who set the tree a blaze approached you and towered over you. You readied your violin case (apart of your cosplay) and tried to hit him with it but he caught it, he then threw it aside the case suddenly had a burn mark on where his hand was placed. "What the-" you stared at the case dumbfounded "Prince Asch don't use your magic at such trivial matters" The male who had worn a dark blue outfit spoke his eyes blue, his hair slicked back, as his horns dark blue as it curled upwards and leaned more forward like a bulls. The black haired male towering over the both of you spoke "The next words that come out from your mouth better be-" Without any thought you grabbed his horns to see if they were real, The four other males gasped as another blue horned male covered the eyes of the one who had orange horns. You tried pulling the horns off but it was no use, it wouldn't nudge. They were real.

You let go as the man stood up properly, his face was a bit red now "They're real huh?" Ava said dumbfounded "How dare you." spoke the black haired male - as fear went up to both of your spines "We should've spent in..." You and Ava spoke in unison before fainting in unison aswell.

3rd person POV

"You killed them..." Noi's eyes were now uncovered as he stared at the two human laying on the floor "No- No! I- I didn't-" stammered Asch as Rhys stepped and crouched near the down inspecting them and their pulse, he then stood up "The humans are alive jus unconscious. We need to take them and establish a base of operations" He explained. "Meow~" Johnny the cat meowed rubbing himself on Asch's leg while purring, Asch looked down and stared at the Johnny "Ah? A spirit." Asch spoke a bit of confusion in his words. Johnny then started walking to the alleyways's exit/entrance, He turned to the demons and meowed as he turned back and continued to walk. The four demons turned to Rhys as he spoke "It's trying to guide us" Noi then spoke "We need to follow it! It's bad luck to ignore spirits" Asch turned to Pierce and Leif "Grab the humans and follow the spirit" he commanded and he turned to where the spirit was heading "Our journey to conquer e-arth is only starting" Asch then followed the spirit as Rhys and Noi followed him while Leif and Pierce headed over to the unconscious humans and carried them bridal style. Ava being carried by Pierce while [Y/N] was carried by Leif, the two demons then followed suite.

:D [To be Continued]

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