Chapter 1

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"That'll be a total of 3500 yen," the cashier said.

Kagami dug through his wallet and fished out a 5000 yen bill and paid the cashier. After receiving his change, he left the department store with a loud yawn. Truthfully, he wasn't planning on leaving the apartment at all today but after he saw the weather report on a storm coming, he figured he'd better buy some supplies. Japan typhoons were unpredictable and if there was one thing Kagami learned from his dad, it was to always be prepared.

Outside, the winds were already picking up and the rain was starting to fall. Looking at the dark clouds, Kagami hastened his pace towards his apartment passing a playground on the way.

His footsteps came to a sudden halt though and he backtracked to get another look at the playground. At first, he blinked. And then, he rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn't seeing things.

Either he was hallucinating or that was definitely Touou's manager and Kuroko's 'girlfriend' sleeping on the bench.

Now Kagami had two options - to walk away and pretend he didn't see anything or be a good person and check up on the girl. Seeing Kagami was in no way evil-hearted, he trudged over to the sleeping form and realized three things.

Firstly, her face was flushed and she was sweating. Secondly, her breathing seemed a little uneven and came out in pants. Lastly, upon touching her head, her temperature was way too high. Clearly, the girl was sick and passed out.

There was no Aomine in sight so Kagami could only assume she was out by herself. Reaching into his pocket, he cursed when he didn't find his phone.

'Damn. The one time I forget my phone at home...'

The rain was getting heavier to the point Kagami's hair was soaked. Not seeing any other option, Kagami threw his jacket around the shivering girl and carried her in his arms before running to his apartment building. Thankfully there wasn't anyone on the streets otherwise they may have dubbed Kagami as a kidnapper.

Finally, reaching his apartment, he took the elevator to his floor and hurriedly opened the door. Momoi's fever was still strong and she was still asleep.

Opening the guest bedroom, he carefully lay the girl on the futon and took off his jacket. Her clothes were soaked and sticking to her body. This brought Kagami a headache. Wet clothes would only make her sicker so they needed to be removed...which was where the problem lay.

Kagami DID NOT want to be dubbed as a pervert who would take advantage of a sick girl. So, he tried waking her up to at least get permission.

"Momoi," he tapped her cheek slightly.

The girl opened her eyes which were hazed over. She didn't seem to know what was going on.

Groaning, she murmured something, "W-Who..."

"It's Kagami Taiga. I found you passed out at the playground,"


Kagami just took the noise that escaped her lips as understanding.

"Your clothes are wet, I need to remove them," he told her.

Momoi's eyes were half-lidded and but she managed to register what he was saying. Perhaps had she been in a full sane mind, she may have hesitated a bit but right now, she just nodded absentmindedly.

Letting out a breath, Kagami lifted her dress over her head trying his best not to look below her neckline and quickly wiped her down with a towel before throwing one of his t-shirts over her. He was much larger than her small frame so the t-shirt reached her thighs. Momoi's eyes were still hazy and her brain stopped working working as she collapsed back on the futon and dozed off again.

☞︎︎︎𝑷𝒊𝒏𝒌 𝑭𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓 ᵏⁿᵇWhere stories live. Discover now