Chapter 5: Fever dream.

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       "1,2,3,4..." I counted repeatedly. Each stroke of the brush digs deeper down my skull. "Remember dear, nothing but the best."
My mother's faint voice echoed throughout the room.
'Mom' I muttered. Yet no voice seems to leave my throat.
"I don't..."
A horrible sound came from me, followed by a groan when I felt how dry it is. I couldn't see. I couldn't open my eyes. But my mom's voice sung lullaby in my ears that I felt the need to relax.
"Rest now, darling."

In a blink of a moment, I felt my body laying down on a cold surface. My fingers traced the surface beneath me, hinting for something. Something familiar. 'Odd' I replied to myself.

My brows furrowed deeply as I tried to open my eyes. Every tries to lift my eyelids felt like lifting a boulder. Maybe I should just stay like this. Let mom sing me to sleep.
But something felt odd. a stinging thought piercing through my skull pushed me to keep opening my eyes.
"What's wrong darling" My mother asked, caressing my hair in a loving manner. 'No' I thought. I tried again. I called out to her, hoping to pontificate myself. But  all I felt was my lips murmuring. Muttering incoherent words that I'm sure my mother would find annoying.

"Stop eating your words, Dawn. You know I despise such thing."
My fingers dug the soil beneath me as I forced my eyes to open. Thunder  boomed in the distance. sounding more like drums of doom, ready to devour my soul at any moment in time.

My eyes finally fluttered open. A ringing sound rang in my ears as my eyes met the dark clouds above me. I blinked, confused. Watching the tall tower before me.
'Im infront of the castle.'

"There you are my sweet."

A choked gasp came from my lips.

No. No, no, no.
My hair tipped down my face due to the wind blowing bashfully on my face. But I could see her...

"What's wrong dearest?" My mother asked. Her mouth were cruelly stitched on the side, blood  dripping from her empty eye sockets, almost resembling the dead woman I saw falling from the roof.

"DON'T YOU LOVE THIS MY DEAR?" She screamed psychotically as she grabbed me by the face, forcing me to look at her.
I couldn't move. I wish I didn't open my eyes as I watch her laugh. So Psychotic, it had me questioning my own mother."Mom please" I cried out in pain. My hands stuck to my side, unable to move my body as she sat on top of my chest.
"Don't you dare speak" Her voice dripped with venom. As if every word would stung my soul, poisoning me until my last breath. I wanted to leave. to get out. Her face haunts me. like it would follow me deep into the woods where the horror lies in its wake. I need to leave. I want to leave. I want this to stop.

Stop it. Leave me. Please. I want you to stop. I can't...

In a blink of moment, I managed to close my eyes. Like a pebble dropped on the quiet lake, disappearing down the hollows of its depth. Where it finally drowns, sinking deeper and deeper until it hits rock bottom.

My body stopped quivering. My breath heavier and heavier. I opened my eyes, watching the dirty blue clouds fog from my vision.
In a blink of an eye, I was back here again.

Where every escape started.

I'm back in my home. In my haven. The grass swayed in one direction, as the frosty gust of wind rides through my body, engulfing me in a tight hug.

So heavy. My breath starts to pull me down, as if the ground underneath me was nothing but made of silk. Ready to rip at any given time.

But oh, would you look at that. It's bound to rain. Thunders sung from the distance. Small drops of rain covered my face. For a moment. Just for a moment, peace scarred my tongue. Vanquishing every worry I have left inside me.
Rain parades my cheeks, one drop becomes two, until I'm swallowed whole.
Let me

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